Tuesday 17 May 2022

Two Point Hospital....

As much as I've posted previously and as much as I've 'been into' Two Point Hospital; Overall I'm still on a downward trajectory with it's game-play. New, unique DLC and all(that DLC here, here and here). 

From the DLC's high's and lows to the high's and low's of the game in general. Why I'm not playing a game I like is mainly due to long-term burnout; And I mean loooooooooooooooong-term burnout. As good as the game and the DLC's are; As good as the themes and window dressing is...The more things change the more they stay the same. 100% love the game, 100% would recommend, 100% haven't clicked the icon to play it in 'a while'! 
So that stomach churning, gut feeling of aversion to playing is real for me. That may sound like an extreme reaction but it is what it is. The motivation to play is nowhere near, by a long shot. Too much of a good thing over too long a time-frame? Maybe? Long-term gaming moods strike again...?

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. So maybe some(a lot, like a loooooot of) time away from the game will work out for more enjoyment down the line(a bit like my current Assassins Creed Origins kick).

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