Monday 18 November 2013

Another Monday morning...

For the first time this "winter" I got to see my own breath this morning, but the forecasters are saying no snow this week :(

The weekend was a good one and saw a lot of gaming. Wow, Eve and the new Xcom got a good bit of play.

I'll try and do up a post about the wow and xcom and stick to Eve with this one.

I've tidied up a good bit of clutter from the Alts, and evened out the mains gear/ships and isk to be a bit more uniform across the universe. That's a job that never ends. Thinking you have a perfect for all contingency mission running hub setup only lasts when you dont' use it.  Now with the new expansion on the way new skills and new gear to potentially use, its going to need more work. Depend if I like the new tractor beam deployable. Maybe a depot to use when out and about.

I was surprised to see that my Minmatar alt can fly a T3... very surprised, I wasn't aiming for it and given that she can barley fly a Tempest in a lvl 4 I am not gonna let a T3 near her. But still its a tempting "interest". This is just a case in point where I see this, get tempted with it in a few weeks when I can see taht for a few more days training she can dop things a "little better", then prob loose a T3 in a level 4. lol

I also finished of the last pre patch PI hauling. I think I'll finish up what I can with it tonight and then see what overlord swoops in to take ownership. Plugging along as I go until I think its not worth it.

I know I said there was doom and gloom ahead for my PI but hearing about the likes of RvB, Greedy Goblin and a few others on the net looking to take over large amounts of space for POCO's I think I was right to be gloomy. Even my alts alliance is thinking of getting all the hi-sec POCO's leading to their Nullsec home.  

Interesting developments indeed. I never fully setup that null alts PI. I must try that out again. something else to add to the todo list.

The patch notes for Rubicon were out last Friday night I think. 1.2 GB of a download iirc. With luck I don't have much hassle downloading that over a dongle. But I doubt it!

Am looking forward to the New Ships, new skills are like a necessary evil, the Depot may be of interest as long as its not just the meta version that has the 48 hour reinforcement timer. Will have to wait and see how it all goes.  Load up those long skills tonight just in case. I won't mind getting free sp for CCP tech problems if there are any...   

Here are the patch notes:

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