Wednesday 27 November 2013


While reorganising ships and gear over the last while for both my mains I've ended up with a list of surplus ships.

On a side note its worth checking the cargo holds of ships you've not used in a while... I found quiet a lot of stuff, and in one ship a while stack of BPO's all researched. I wonder why I didn't miss them before!
Being the hoarder/collector I'll always gravitate towards keeping an 'investment' unless I can get a better price for it.  In the past I've used such ships to start up an activity in a new area. All these are pve fit's or rigged but unfitted.


          Manticore (rigged but unfitted)
          Navy Caracal
          Thorax  (rigged but unfitted)
          Hurricane (rigged but unfitted)
          Dominix (rigged but unfitted)
          Typhoon (rigged but unfitted)
          Tempest (rigged but unfitted)


With the rep grind for SOE on an alt in my mind the list of ships for both characters shouts out grind rep for two factions that I've not paid much attention to... Gallente and Minmatar. In the past i have done some amount of damage to both those rep counts. I could use the Hawk on both mains to get level 1 and 2 missions out of the way then take the tengu's out for both in level 3's and get to lvl 4's fast.

I could also check on the epic arc's, I'm sure its been 6 months since I've done my last one of those. I could try them for Amarr and Caldari to start. Then after the rep grind and some cosmos missions do the arc's for Gallente and Minmatar. But I think that may be problematic due to the way the erp and standings work, I think it will damage the ones I have too much.

Once rep is done with I could leave a BS for that race in a mission hub, Dominix in Gallente space etc...

All of that is long term and would take a long time to get going/doing.. I think I need more ideas, something on the lines of both chars using the ships they have in common for some "project". I might move them to an old missioning hub that I used to run in with a few other pilots... I could try and hook up with them if they are still in the same area/doing stuff. Nice idea but I rarely see them on ... still it could be interesting...

I am going to disregard my own waffle and not needlessly complicate stuff, at some stage I'll get around to doing the epic arc's again and at some stage I will grind more rep with more factions. I'll leave the bulk of the ships where they are. And move along with doing stuff I already have planned.

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