Tuesday 12 November 2013

Xcom screenies at long last......

With my recent outage from the web, this gave me an opportunity to try and get the screen-shots working in xcom, here they are:

Each continent has two Interceptors. One with an EMP and the other with a Fusion Lance.

My #1 squad are mainly decked out as:

My other team and replacement members are equipped the same ... just a neutral grey colour :

My mess about with crew:

They blend in well!

So all in all if it were not for the colour scheme's and crazy hairdo's, they are all on par with each other, same ranks / same gear / same experience at kicking alien butt. I might just change the pink to be the normal grey...

Sooooo I thought to myself "look at how cool all my people are", "why not get a bunch of new recruits in to do it all again". So that's what I did. Last but not least the group I recruited during the weekend...

Here is the gathering of the new people and the first mission:

The New Crew

My Homeboy
 The first Irish member of my xcom forces.... of course I had to gear him up well ;)

Mission is a go!

Why can't they hit aaaaaanything!

One for all and all for one.
Despite the team having the first Irish member of all my xcom forces kitted out with the best gear, they still died horribly.

So I decided to reload the save, refit the team in the best of the rest gear lying around the xcom barracks and try that one again....

New and improved...

Mission is a go.... again...

Team runs headlong into the jaws of the enemy

the enemy can dodge at distance....

The enemy can dodge at close range....

Almost a 1 to 1 ratio inteh kill and loss department.

At least they all got flown home...

It was at this point the massive flaw in that plan only became apparent to me, I had previously developed my other "mess" team at the same time as the other members of the xcom force.
So this throwing of the squaddies to the wolves was really just that.  It would take a lot of luck to get the newbies though this higher level of mission without a loss.

I did revert to the last save game again... But it will be another while before I can do round three. Am still determined to get them to do at least one mission without too much pain.

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