Wednesday 13 November 2013

Faults with Alts....

Over the last week of so I've taken a good look at my alts in Eve.

I think that my Minmatar alts lack of ability running a level 4 solo has been a wake up call.  I've been overemphasising my Alts, or perhaps better to say I have been planning beyond their abilities... wanting them to overreach and do more.  I've not been seeing their lack of sp as a hindrance to get certain tasks done. I also need to stop separating "jobs" in Eve between characters. This is not always practical.

My Amarr alt had tried a starter corp doing lvl 1 and 2 agents -general pve/hi-sec/carebears and a lil side of indy. But it is hard work to get a corp like this afloat and keep it there. So many other corp's can offer so much more in perks, or even as tax-less havens. It has been a project on the back burner for a long time. I dont' see it being rekindled any time soon.
Looking forward, the reality of this alt is the extra training I've given in the past has given this alt the ability to test the data and relic sites.

My Minmatar alt is a mix, started as a pve carebear and finished as a Faction Warfare alt.
FW was tried and tested and went inactive. If I had really wanted it I would have been doing it. No wonder I was kicked. It was fun with a friend at first but if I don't do it solo or with the corp people and have fun I need to seek alternatives.
Looking forward, the reality of this alt is again the extra training I've given in the past has given this alt the ability to test the data and relic sites.

I may group these two alts together in one corp to "help" each other, the other alts and the mains. Even with the "reality" of the alts, there are other characters that can do the data/relic sites better. Will see.

My Nullsec Alt - Ratting / Mining / Scanning / Salvaging, he may not be a pvp'er by any stretch of the imagination. But he is getting by. This alt was more fit for purpose in nullsec then the other two but has been less successful than I had hoped. Once I had moved him to 0.0 and gotten all his gear in place and then actually went ratting... lets just say his weakness's showed straight away. More specific sp choices are needed but not likely to happen at all. He will do for now.

My WH alt - This alt is currently in a bit of a coma, the WH corp's all point towards certain skills that are needed. With a lot of self sufficiency. This alt has turned the corner from Alt to Main, Its a long term thing and the WH life is something that I want to get into for the long haul.
His reality for now is the training life of a safe hi-sec carebear. Earning isk and buying skill books.

Maybe that last alt is where my faults with alts stemmed from.
The self blinding illusion that my other alts were as worthy of greater goals, with no real consideration for the true SP needed to do things well. 

This is where the main's and alts of Wow and Eve show a great difference.
A level 20 in wow can't help a lvl 90 in any real way shape or form.
But a 1.5 Million sp alt in Eve can help a 50 Million SP Main in Eve in great ways ( hauling, repping, cyno, to name but a few ). As long as there is a clear focus its a win.

Every time I think "keep it simple" or "enjoy the game", other things crop up. I need to make sure that stops.
I need to maintain a clear focus and brush off the chaff that is not needed.
That the mains are used as mains and the alts are on the sideline, helping out when they can.

Finishing this overly long wall of text means 2 alts get semi mothballed, one is in hi-sec statis until ready and the other is living in Null.

Well that's my over thinking of my alts done for today.... Mountain's and molehills.

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