Wednesday 25 January 2017

Star Trek Online.... 7th Anniversary Event Reward Ship

The details of the 7th Anniversary event and it's reward ship are out.

It's an interesting ship even if it's listed as a science vessel I think there may be some workable fit's to make it effective enough for an Engineering character, Tactical players are still better off with anything else. Still a Free T6 ship is a free T6 ship. At this stage for my characters I'm happy with what they have. I'll get this and try my Science character with it to see if it's a more effective vessel than what she has.

I'm glad that the community voted vessel turned out to be the 'Alpha' design and that it's being used in this way. For the entire community to enjoy.

The Event also has a featured episode that once completed will grant 400 event vouchers. So with 600 more vouchers to complete the event reputation and gain this event ship it shouldnt' be too much of a grind.

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