Saturday 7 January 2017

WoW celebrating Diablo....

The guild I'm in with all of my Horde characters is one that has lasted longer than any similar guilds I was ever in while playing alliance. I've been in it years. I'm sure that is due to the number of married/couples in it. The husband and wife guild leaders that founded the guild have since left the game but their second and now long term guild leader has been for most of his characters been Tauren. He has pride in that. He likes the race and the larger than life way the gear looks on them. There have been a lot of comments because of it. Everything is measured in Moo's etc, for he is the Bovine Overlord. It's been fun like that in a guild way. So it's been a real moo too see the way wow has celebrated Diablo's 20th anniversary....

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