Monday 9 January 2017

Star Trek Online.... Engineered

With the daily mission's for the winter T6 ship done and dusted I've found myself logging in to check the duty officer and fleet missions of both my top level characters. It's a login habit after doing the daily I suppose. Being logged in I've also had time spent on my current levelling toon, my Vulcan Engineer.

For the first time since starting to play the class I think I'm getting the hang of it. That's not to say I'd be doing group content but solo missions are not causing me the problems they once did.
Prentice makes perfect. I still prefer my original Tactical character by a long shot. I guess I'm just way more comfortable with that class after spending years on and off with him.
My engineer "Dinged" level 30 and is only about halfway through the Klingon story arc. That's a vast boost to XP compared to my first character who had to maybe do the first 4 story arc's to get that far. Maybe it just felt like that but it was a lot longer. These Temporal agents don't know how lucky they got it, grumble, grumble. I'm glad I decided to start the science and engineer toons when I could to take advantage of the expansion and become a Temporal Operative. My "other" science toon is still mothballed and the old engineer replaced to make way for the new and improved version.
As for my old Romulan and Klingon characters.... who know if I'll ever get back to them.
I'll have to see if I get more of a bug to play and level up my  engineer some more. The summer event and it's ship may entice more gameplay and will give a long term timetable to get him levelled up.... Time will tell.... (Insert temporal agent joke here).

On a side note I've been keeping an eye out for decent Trek Ship models, the usual searches have brought up a huge array of types, quality and price....  One site I keep coming back to that does it all well is worth a look, and not only for Star Trek items:

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