Monday 23 January 2017

WoW.... To grind/gear or not to grind/gear....

It's all about time and effort. Not to mention who you know.
My guild has shrunk this expansion to a handful of dedicated players. In the last while a few old hands have returned and with what seems like minimum effort have gotten gear and are all now within 10 item levels of around 900. Yes these guildies can swat a lot out of the way just by looking at it. Although my lock is around the 875 mark I may as well be wearing no gear at all for all the good it's doing me. The gap between those in the 875 gear and those in the 900's is a deep dark chasm of despair.
I'm ok with doing the easy stuff like the Looking for Raid groups or the weekly 5 dungeon Timewalking stuff. But that doesn't get me anything better gear wise. It's the real grind I can't do. I'm not a grinder with wow anymore. I've done that before for multiple characters over multiple expansions. This expansion found me being the guildie being carried just to fill a place and now a guildie left as a sub as the better guildies push progression. I really can't do it. There is no motivation to grind so many quests/boss's/reputations to get gear that is going to be replaced in the next patch or two only to get the process repeating itself. It's not fun.  It all seems like a catch 22....
I've found myself spending so much time in the Dalaran bar... A washed up warlock....    

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