Saturday 11 February 2017

Star Trek Online.... Time to choose another one

I'm not into the end game max level min/maxing for ships and fits within Star Trek Online. I'm not spending any real world cash on the game and it's still very playable. I've geared my current max level characters with the best I can buy with in game currency.
I'll revisit my 60's for events and do some officer/fleet missions to add to the currency pools.
With a max level character of each class under the starfleet banner I was left wondering what I'd level up next. Levelling isn't as grindy as it used to be and in general the story lines can be varied and enjoyable with whats seems to be a faster pace these day's.
During the end of the Agents of Yesterday launch I recreated a character to be classified as a temporal agent and take it's advantages for whenever I decide to play it; But Levelling up another starfleet character is not that appealing after having spent my entire gametime with that faction. Which leads me to my other two character slots, a Romulan and a Klingon
Most of the free ships I have gotten are starfleet starships so will be off limits to them. There are about 5 event ships that they will have access to when they hit 55/60 so it's not all bad. 

In levelling up the Romulan to 11, I chose to side her with Starfleet. In retrospect that may have been a limiting choice.

While the broader mission arcs may be different from the general Starfleet missions I think having chosen that path makes that characters progression a bit 'samey'. I think I was leaning into what was known and comfortable when picking Starfleet.
The Klingon's are now looking like they are the best choice.
Separate from all the trappings of Starfleet. Being Klingon is as much a disassociation from the majority of players as it is a separation from Starfleet.
It's all about the journey and the Klingons may be a lot more interesting....

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