Friday 24 February 2017

WoW.... Another mount

Last night saw myself and a friend play through the last of our matches in Heroes of the Storm to complete the 15 needed to claim the mount. Liking the game we completed a few more after that. Who knows what the game will hold for us if anything. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a message to team up and play some more.

I liked playing as Gul'dan but after a few in game purchases with the free gold collected from the matches I'm a little short to buy the character for my collection. It would be a pity to loose the character and not be able to play it after it's current free time for the wow event. But maybe I'm reading it wrong. My friend stuck with and liked Illidan.

Teaming up gave a good bonus.

The game map's are all varied and fun based on a blizzard game theme.

Even with the large amount of in game items to purchase with real cash, there are also a lot of unlocks to get from playing and a lot you can buy with the in game gold earned through normal gameplay.

After the 15 matches the special quest was complete and the WoW mount was claimed. While unboxing it within wow my mate and I both talked about it being another mount for the collection, one both of use will probably never use again.

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