Friday 3 February 2017

When the plug is pulled....

I read a few days ago that Asheron's Call has ended after 17 years.
It got me thinking about how hard it would be to loose my online virtual assets/characters. I'm a nostalgic person, I'm still playing games I originally bought 20 years ago so I know I'd be hit hard by an online loss. At least I think I would. Thankfully the main mmo's I play are both well received and have longevity. In saying that 17 years for Asheron's Call is a long time, even with it's ups and downs. WoW, Eve Online and Star Trek Online are the main MMO's. It may sound odd to feel the loss of assets/character rather than the online community that MMO's are. Food for thought.

Maybe I should balance the online fun with others more than being solo but that's not really my full style of gameplay. I may be a (mainly) solo casual carebear but there are a lot of people that are the opposite side of the coin so much so that they only use the other people online for their betterment and not any form of "friendship". That sounds a lot more coldblooded but it's obvious when you see it happen.

There's a lot to consider but going into the future I'll be further trying to minimise my emotional loss for online games, it depends on the fun factor, some things may be unavoidable.

Worth a further read:

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