Thursday 16 February 2017

Star Trek Online.... Yesterday on console

Yesterday I took the opportunity to update Star Trek Online on my Xbox.
Once updated to the Agents of Yesterday Expansion I played a new character through the starter missions. Which was a quick journey to level 11. The way they have transformed the controls from pc to console is so smooth it's hard to put into words. If I'd not spent so much time with characters on the PC version I think I'd be using the console version instead. The only thing that concerned me was the lack of players, there were a few but not many. Granted it was midday and midweek so that shouldn't have been surprising.

It's been hard to find good content providers that are showing the console version. So I'll share a video from Parallel Universe Gaming that shows gameplay from the start of the PC version. The content and graphics are more or less the same.

To see the content from a PS4 version there is this video.
To see the content from an Xbox version there is this video.

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