Wednesday 6 September 2017

Games, Games, Games....

A lack of sleep is messing with me, physically and mentally. No wonder I end up waffling so much on a blog in the late late night/early early morning.....

I'm still enjoying some time in RTW-Alexander. Despite having completed the campaign as soon as I go the game. I've been reloading some of the mid campaign saved games and seeing how alternate battles and tactics change outcomes. Quick and casual enough gameplay.

Speaking of quick and casual gamplay I've also pottered about with small amounts of Domina, Minecraft & Kingdoms and Castles. Games that arnt' bad for filling the gaps.

My Star Trek Online gametime has been again down to admiralty and duty officer missions, amassing(!?!) some quantities of dilithium for conversion to ZEN. I've been more determined to keep the ZEN and buy a multi faction ship pack. For now I'll game away to get the 6000 ZEN and when I'm close to that goal I'll research the actual ships in the packs. It may turn out that I've already got the better options in the free ships. Time will tell.

Larger slices of gametime are taken up by Eve, Hitman and Ghost Recon Wildlands. I'll waffle about those in their own posts.

Origin have updated their "On the House" game and are giving away a Steam World Dig as a freebie.

Speaking of free Mirage: Arcane Warfare is free on steam for 24 hours to boost it's image/profile. It actually looks like a fun game. While I didn't know about it or it's recent free to play weekend, this 24 hour giveaway has made it onto my radar and I am 'intrigued'. I#ll be claiming it for free as soon as it's available. September 6th at 10am PT (later today....).

I'm still incredibly tempted to buy Battlefield 1 Revolution Edition. The more I think about the trial I just did the more I want to continue play the game. Maybe not play it as seriously as I had with previous BF games but for filthy dirty casual fun. It is a cheaper version of the game with all the perks after all....

Also on the list of games I'd like to get is Cold Waters. I noticed it received an update during the week. While I am very picky with the games I choose that are still in any form of "beta", I think I'll be holding off getting this one for a little bit longer.

Yet another game I'm keeping an eye on is Cities Skylines, specifically it's addon's. The latest, called 'Green Cities' does look interesting but it's not for me. I'm still thinking about the 'Mass transit' addon that would do wonders for my cities...
Speaking of games from Paradox Interactive, they are doing great work with Battletech. It's looking really good.

A game I have a fondness for is Planetbase, it received what I think is a final ever update (v1.2.3) this week. I hope I'm wrong in saying final but it does sound like it.

While I'd have to start from scratch on a new base to see the full changes from this patch I've put too much work into my later bases to do that. If I'm in the mood again I'll have to both try to retake the burden of later game bases as well as to start from scratch.

Digging around some more older game files I was reminded of the end credits music from Republic Commando (Ash - Clones). Great game, I particularly like the speech and banter between the commando's. Also of note is the auto visor cleaning when things get messy in mission. All cool things, more than worthy of a reinstall.... If I could find the install disk.

Looking into another game made me realise that Mass Effect used the same idea of an unknown all powerful aliens race that destroy sentient life every few thousand years as had Freespace one and two back in the day. Both Feespace games were great and for the most part still hold up today, gameplay is gameplay after all.
Ronny Cox voiced Admiral Bosch in the second game and that characters monologues are worth a listen alone....

The games had a big influence on me when they came out, the cinematics may have dated but they are their own style and they do tell a great story. Freespace 1 IntroFreespace 2 - Intro

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock seems to me to be a lesser stylistic version of what Battelfleet Gothic nails. I really like the Battlestar Galactica franchise and the reimagined pilot/series/razor etc. But ACG does a review of deadlock that seems to confirm my Gothic is better than Deadlock stance to me. Each to their own....

I was never going to get Destiny 2 I've waffles previously about it before and my fist games Beta experience. The fact that a lot of reviewers of the current Destiny 2 beta are all saying its exactly like the first game but with a bit of polish is Id say a bit of a disappointment to even the most hardcore followers..... TheHiveLeader has done a good Beta review worth a watch:

Last but not least No Man's Sky, worth a mention because it is on my want to play list again.

While I'm enthusiastic to get back into No Man's Sky I know I'd need a lot of time to do so and I['ve not had that time of late. At least the latest update has made for some interesting reading.

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