Monday 19 February 2018

Eve Online....

Time for more waffle....

I may not be playing much of the game but I do keep up with the news... Mainly to tut and guffaw over dev blog changes etc.

The latest Dev Blog is on some balance changes coming in March.

The main points for the changes being listed as:
1. More change is better, even if it’s small
2. The meta is feeling stagnant, particularly around Feroxes and the Marchariel

I agree with point one... depending on the change they make. But I do fear that the more they poke at stats the more other stats will need to be altered as an unintended consequence. There are so many uses for so many ships in so many different configurations, small changes can become self defeating.

Point two as a comment is troubling to me. What they call stagnant I call CCP poking a stick at something that may not need any attention. (Then again if the game was properly balanced... say by having a permanent set of dev's as a longterm balance team.... But all that is a whole other set of arguments). 

So what are they changing:

Battleships are getting a bigger cargo hold and  longer lock range. Great.

Attack Battlecruisers can fit Medium Micro Jump Drive. I don't use the ships or the drives but the combination of the two does seem to make sense.

Changes to the Orthrus and Ferox have no effect on anything I have/would do so "meh" I say.

Changes to the Drake navy issue are strange to me, the reduction of 1 missile high slot. The Navy drake was created to keep a Drake version in the game that had all hi-slot launchers. It's why the faction BC's were created(the outcry from players regarding a balance pass on BC's a long time ago). As for the reduction of the shield resists... It's a ship known as a brick it's supposed to have good resists... makes no sense to me. Besides the overall community thoughts on these BC's is that they are under powered in many area's... At least from what I've seen and read. (Then again if the game was properly balanced... say by having a permanent set of dev's as a longterm balance team.... But all that is a whole other set of arguments). 

Cyclone and Eagle changes, meh. My Minmatar alts will see the Cyclone missile buff as a boon.... If they were to use one again(not likely).

The large range of changes for the Muninn is again CCP poking things with sticks and clubs, ending up with a ship that they have bent to form a Frankenstein that they can stand back and see as a da vinci madonna. Maybe a Madonna only a mother could love.... harsh but I think true.
To me the Muinn isn't an old ship. It's of no importance to me but was it introduced into the ship ecosystem so poorly thought out that it needs such a radical overhauling already; I have to question CCP overall longterm ship ecosystem idea's....  (Then again if the game was properly balanced... say by having a permanent set of dev's as a longterm balance team.... But all that is a whole other set of arguments). 

All these changes don't feel so small.... If CCP does keep up a rate of changes like this more often, then I feel that is going to lead to a lot of problems in the long term.... I hope to be proved wrong. (Maybe they like creating work for their future selves).

But the big news is that a new ship type is being introduced, 'Flag Cruisers' for a non combat fleet commander role. Makes me wonder why current ships are not used or altered, like Command Battlecruisers. Like all ships in Eve, any ship can be fit or used for any role. weather it's a wise choice or not. I get that CCP wants non skilled up FC's out and active.
I love the Command Battlecruisers. I use them for level 4 missioning. Mainly because of their survivability. While I'm happy to not have CBC's changed in any way... I'm sure that Flag Cruisers will be used in other area's. It may have no cargo bay but there are plenty of high value pilots that would undock in it I bet.
The more I read about the new ship the more confused/conflicted I get over it and I don't know why, this ship is no skin off my nose.

Further reading:

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