Monday 19 February 2018


A day or two ago I saw a funny video from TheHiveLeader:

So I linked it as a message to my old wow guildies group on facebook. Ever since there has been more activity on the page than in the previous 6 month's. It seems there are a few people returning to the game. It's good to see but it is lacking the numbers to get the guild back to the way it was. If that can ever happen. So many people have moved their characters realm/faction or just rerolled altogether. Chatting about it with my wife, we both agreed that it was too early to even consider returning. We're not even pushed in any way to go for the pre-purchase of the expansion.
For me wow has to do a lot to hook me back in. And I know I would be more interested in the WoW Classic edition/version......
I'll be keeping an eye on the news updates from certain sites.
The summer month's will tell if there is any meaningful plan to return to the game for the expansion.

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