Monday 19 February 2018


I'm still plugging away with both of Q's dailies. 

Gaining enough reputation marks to finish off my main who now has all reputations maxed out. Because of that all my level 60 alts now have the rep boosts for all reputations. Not a hard feat but it did take time, It would have been better to have done it all sooner rather than later, especially getting the boosts for alts. They could have benefited greatly from having the boost while they levelled.

I've also completed the featured episode on all my level 60 alts who then gained the 400 event vouchers that can be used every 20 hours to gain a rep mark package. Allowing them to  pick any reputation version of rep marks. So rep marks can be gained on them in as easy a way as just doing admiralty dailies for Dilithium. Just another simple task that builds up overall.

Which brings me to my next activity Dilithium farming. The admiralty system is my best way of gaining Dilithium. Either the Klingon or Ferengi when levelled up can reward Dil. Since the introduction of the Ferengi admiralty I've switched from the Klingon to them. Just seems better lore wise.
Across all my characters there seems to have been a large gathering of currencies and reputation.
It all seems easier than before.

It's been an interesting ongoing month of activities. 

Next month is blank by comparison....

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