Saturday 24 February 2018


With the end of 'most' of the events in game (for now) I've taken another brief-ish look into fine tuning my characters ships/gear. As well as their officers.

My main returned to his Vorgon ship and upgraded some of his ship-fit levels (weapons and tactical slots).

My science character is fairly set in her 31st century multi-mission science ship from the store (yay for free zen). It's not perfect but it's capable (performance tested in the featured episode). I really need more practice with the abilities of a science character. I'm still of the tactical mindset. But improvements were made (I think).

My engineering character is another recipient of a 31st century bundle ship, the dreadnought. Like the science character my skills at using an engineering character is limited. And again like my science character this ship is capable (performance tested in the featured episode). It did handle better than the sci ship but that's because of the 6 fighters that do most of the DPS.

To finish off the use of the 31st century ships my KDF character got the tactical version. As the main spec/class I use it was a lot easier to fit/understand and handle the ship. Making it enjoyably capable.

With my Romulan character next and another tactical character I decided to take full advantage of the 8th anniversary ship and featured episode to equip it. While my main had gotten the ship and gear out of being the main and doing the new event; This new ship and it's set has made my lowest geared character a lot more of an on par alt. Her original ship a Romulan T5U was no match for the featured episode. Even as an upgraded T5 it was painful to do and lead to destruction. DPS was far from desirable. After getting the ship and it's gear the difference between the T5U and the new ship and its set was night and day. It's not a perfect or min/maxed fit, not by a long shot. But it handles so much better and the DPS is ten times more effective.

For the eagle eye'd on the tactical ship fits the Experimental weapon (at least for me) seems to output better DPS than the Voice of the profits ExpWeapon from the new ship. So all have been replaced with the older more reliable Experimental weapon.

I've also gone back to my lol ol lvl 12-ish character. Completing a few missions and sorting his bank to be more streamlined. Items I thought would be useful in hindsight had to now be trashed/salvaged as they are in no way going to help. I'm getting a stronger urge to play this character, at least to a point where he can use a lot of the items (like the rep sponsorship's, Doff's and bridge officers).

Plenty to tinker with yet on all my characters....

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