Tuesday 13 February 2018

Off topic......

I feel like some wafflin..... Maybe not a good thing as I haven't slept properly in two day's.... (shakes fist @) Insomnia (not Insomnia).

Over the last few years I've taken more on an interest in watching expat youtubers living in other countries. Mainly out of interest for seeing those countries through the view of outsiders.
Like: Kyde and EricAbroad in JapanvagabrothersserpentzaADVChina....

This lead onto seeing what expat/vloggers were in Ireland and seeing what they were saying about my country.

Not bad looking for late December..... But the sea breeze was "baltic".

While it's easy to find a lot of positive video's I also wanted to mention or add vloggers who had overall negative stories/experiences. All in the name of balance for this post.
What I found was a lot of either sarcastic or (imho) extreme/coached over-exaggerated political or diva bullshit. Linking and listing views like that can be nonconstructive.

Nothing can change minds more than stating political or religious views. I've witnessed a lot of online friends who were the best of friends until views were aired. I'm not trying to be in any way judgmental.

There is a difference in someone not getting something they personally prefer than whats actually done/available in a foreign country. Never-mind showing more 'hardline' views/opinions. Anyway I'm getting away from my point. That being that I can't find any link to a 'proper' vlogger who had 'constructive  criticism' about coming to Ireland and having their experience be bad overall. Not finding any should be a good thing right.....

Watching a person saying something about the country I live in and that I know to be skewed or wrong; Then I have to keep that skew in mind when I see that person say other stuff about other countries. Which broadly leads on to considering if I should even bother watching anything that person does if they are obviously "skewed". It also leads onto questioning if that vlogger is representative of their own home country.

This has all just becoming very over thought, and "skewed" in m y own way perhaps.

Watching vloggers should all be about entertainment..... Informative entertainment....

I'm biased, I love the country I was born into(not to say there are no flaws, there are some big ones). So with lots of perspectives and my own bias I do realise that 'Self praise is no praise.....', so here are some of those vloggers I watched and their experiences that I found interesting about this country and about their journeys(short and long-term).

vagabrothers   :   Ireland vlog series


Cory Miller   :   Living in Ireland as an American

Wanted Adventure   :   AMERICAN IN IRELAND!! 5 Surprising Things I Noticed

Chas Bruns   :  Travel Dirt Cheap - Ireland

Kate Mulgrew LOVES Ireland

Well this blog post wouldn't be full of waffle without some more waffle and links.
So here are some that provide history, insight, and some 'traditional'/'folk' ish music.
Just in case anyone is still reading and interested.......


Ciara Ní ÉWTF!? Irish words used around the world!

Benny Lewis - 9 Reasons to Learn Irish

A 3 part documentary series on the foundation of the state done for the centenary:

Pt1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO92_qHEIgM

Pt2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf7feoyT-ys

Pt3 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rugberXCrmw

And another on Micheal Collins:

Michael Collins - Irish History Documentary

And a pick of some more well known....  'traditional'/'folk'ish toe-tapping music:

Rocky Road to Dublin - The Dubliners

Bean Phaidin - Planxty

Arthur McBride - Planxty

Oró Sé do Bheath Abhaile

Ordinary Man - Christy Moore

Smoke & Strong Whiskey - Christy Moore

Viva la Quinta Brigada -  Christy Moore

The Fureys- The Green Fields Of France

That feels like enough wafflin for now..... Back to the 'ol gaming posts ;)

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