Tuesday 6 February 2018


That's a hefty downtime for tomorrow.

The patch notes are small enough so there must be extra work on their servers.


There was an another interesting Priority One Podcast, including STO's lead systems designer Jeremy Randall.


I've also got to do the last daily and finish up the reputation to claim the event ship. With the Bajoran Impulse engine reward due next week; I filled in the rest of the gear I had from the rewards/ship claim and plenty of cheap enough exchange items.

It's a fast ship, with a very quick turn rate. And the new experimental weapon on the ship is 'the' best of the few choices out there.
I upgraded the original to a mark XIV and placed it on my "main" ship. The Vorgon escort. My character is overly comfortable in that ship.
However the new Interceptor is, at least in my limited testing, fragile. No headlong rushing into group content. I found myself comparing it to the Tholian web ship, small, agile and able. More testing needed.

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