Thursday 15 February 2018


Last week's challenge was tempting me to start it but I never did. Either time is in at warp speed or things are changing in game more rapidly than I can keep an eye on. I think I skipped another challenge similar to last weeks. This week is week 3 of season 5.

The latest version however has a crate reward. 3 items are better than one weapon skin and more of a motivation, at least for me. That has made me pay more attention, that and a need to potter about with the game some more.

The challenges weren't that hard to do.

Taking out the Unidad soldiers from the only big base in the region needed two runs for me. The base isn't that big so if you are discovered they all start to charge towards you closing the distance; If your in the base that quickly removes the distance requirement.
The second part just needs a Unidad ongoing reaction from "fucking shit up" in a Unidad base. Let reinforcements charge in and when the mortars are off cool down blast them.... Rinse and repeat until done.
The third was also easy enough, the region beside the challenge area(to the right) the Unidad base/railroad (M.O.B. Jaguar) has a nice gunship that can be used. Clear the area via sniping from the hill overlooking it to the southwest(also destroying the air defenses).

Once in and claiming the Viper gunship I returned to the challenge area and blasted two convoy's listed on the map. Done.

I do like the use of the crate as a reward..... 3 items in one box is better than one reward on it's own.

This time around I got:

The weapon skin is .... a weapon skin, not one I have any use for on any characters....

The bandages are an interesting addition.

Might be of use for my 'grey man' character...

And while I like the fact that they have vehicle rewards I'm not a fan on that new bike.

I much prefer the Huntsman bike I already have.

Even saying that I like the standard bike(in green/dark) just as much....

Bikes are .... fun.

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