Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh!

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Games with Gold....

The lineup for November surprised me. Specifically because it listed Battlefield 1. It's been on sale on PC for €5 for a while now and the premium pass has been given away for free.... I wonder if the pass will be free on xbox at some stage....

Like all the free games I'll be claiming them if not playing them all.

Battlefield 1: November 1 to 30 on Xbox One
Race the Sun: November 16 to December 15 on Xbox One
Assassin’s Creed: November 1 to 15 on Xbox One and Xbox 360
Dante’s Inferno: November 16 to 30 on Xbox One and Xbox 360

Battlefield 1 is a great game and I might even do a tiny bit of pvp to see what its like with a controller, before running back to my PC version.

Race the Sun was free on Steam a few years ago and is also another great game, short, but great. It'll be nice to see it on xbox. The daily course changes are a blast to try and beat. (Only posted about it not that long ago).

Assassin's Creed, a true classic and the spark that started it all; The only problem I have with it and why I've only taken an interest in the latest two games.... The animus "stuff". I've long since traded in the original disc version but I might take a stroll down memory lane, pushing crowds aside and jumping into hay in an overly dramatic way.

Dante's Inferno is a game I've never played but it looks like it could be fun. Part of which looks like the Assassin's Creed Chronicles scroller/platformer. Could be interesting.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Steam Halloween Sale....


While the ebb and flow of the Frontlines mode can bring with it good and bad times the bad are getting increasingly more common, too common. I've just about had my fill of this weeks promotion with Frontlines.

There can be long match modes time wise. If the teams are balanced. I've had great games that have lasted 40 or 50 minutes. Only once did it become a stalemate; Hard to swallow a draw after three quarters of an hour of gaming, but still....

I find it amazing sometimes when matches you think are going down in flames end up as a win. A nice surprise when your mind is mired in defeat, with the expletives flowing.

Project Nova....

I could see this being vastly more interesting in PvP but even saying that I hope there are more than a few modes/objective types available. But.....Whats with the Warframe/Vanquish sliding mechanic? I thought CCP wasn't doing anything other games had done better!?! Yea I'm still being salty...

Maybe Nova is trying to be Warframe....


With luck.....

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Kingdoms and Castles....

A nice update to the game not only given the seasonal theme....

The Ballista tweak is a bit of a grey area for me.
"Ballistas are less effective vs. vikings, but more effective vs ogres and dragons"

Apex Racing League....

I find myself really drawn to this game. Looks to be so much fun. I hope it sees the light of day as a release.

Project Nova....

Massive amounts of waffle ahead.....


Project Nova; Where do I start.

I've been waffling in huge swath's of text trying to make sense of the latest news and information from Eve Vegas. I've deleting more paragraphs than I care to mention, nit picking, over-analysing. Ultimately I don't accept the premise of CCP's thinking in the distillation of Dust 514 into Project Nova. But why should I justify my thinking, this is a blog and I can be opinionated.

I'm not in the know and info from CCP is very wishy-washy, mainly because they don't know the answers yet themselves(even if it's to just say 'no'). CCP seem to be trying to fit the essence of Dust into a smaller more streamlined Nova container. All the same great feelings with none of the technical problems. Ditching dead weight like game mechanics, dust players and possibly good will.
Yea I'm bitching. Because the more I think about it the more I now know that Legion was the Dust replacement the community needed, not Project Nova.

I'm disappointed in what was shown about Nova and in what the game promises to be, a basic FPS with no grand vision.

Nova seems like it will be a constantly ongoing project that has no end. It's nice to have a company behind a long term product but Nova is not a whole product to begin with. It doesn't know what it's supposed to be. Basic PvP arena shooter? Drone rush/wave PvE co-op?

As a product whats there to get behind?

CCP can show all the video story-lines they want but there's no vision for nova in gameplay terms at all. Not like Dust. Dust was about ground troops in a massive war, Nova is a smaller scale ship boarding party..... Is CCP once fps bitten twice fps shy?

I liked Dust because it was a product. It delivered. Maybe not fully formed and not flawless but it had broad form and function. Having player feedback added and improved  the game via CCP Rattati, the man, the legend, the Dust godsend. Players could see the potential and could lobby Rattati for change/additions. Rattati did his best with what he had at the time. Nova is starting off as so much less of a game, but sells more of a promise of improvements and additions in the future. Promises for players to hang their hopes on. Hopes for a better game without knowing if Nova is aiming in the same direction. CCP has never done well with promises.  CCP promises may as well be a meme at this stage. But CCP don't seem to say they have a plan outside of a New Eden based FPS, cutting out 90%(or more) of what Dust had. CCP is being more CCP than ever with Nova. And that's frustrating.

All in all I don't trust the internal working process's of CCP to deliver a great Dust replacement.
Like Eve they are making Nova a niche title. Nova will be niche in it's Eve/New Eden theme/graphics and not much else. There not aiming for mass markets. Fair enough. Bigger picture, longer term planning(I hope!). But to what ends? I have faith in CCP Rattati, but there are too many 'but's'. It's sounding like Nova will be a never ending Beta on "release", like so many FPS beta's on Steam.
Worse still they may just be doing Nova as an alt-tab game for Eve players just because it's New Eden based...... Such a downgrade in vision!

While I'd have liked a great or a good replacement for Dust 514, it seems that Project Nova doesn't cut the mustard.  Not just because it's in a pre Alpha stage but the long term talk from CCP does nothing at all for me. No vehicles, no planetary maps and the bare minimum of player trade interaction. Let alone a veterans need to be acknowledged for past property and deeds.
Where is the ambition. I swear Nova would be more exciting if CCP asset flipped a generic shooter and presented it as it's own Ta-Da!.

Proof is in the pudding and time will tell. But that waiting is as much a killer for Nova as anything else! Especially not having enough of a game on 'release'!

Here I go again waffling.

Sure you'll get players to return and their friends but if I'm a veteran returning and I'm not feeling the love for the game I'm not gonna be promoting it. Never mind trying to build up to where I was in Dust. Not that Nova will have anywhere near the same range of weapons, suits or fitting options(suit spinning). Dust was Lego Technic, Nova is Lego Duplo! Dust felt right. Maybe Project Nova will as well with time. But we're at the foundation and I'm not liking a lot of whats there. Will that grow into the leaning tower of Nova....

I didn't like the comment that Rattati made about other games doing "ground better". Talk about a total surrender of what Dust was. Very disappointing. I recall being excited seeing the Legion volcanic scene. Legion now seems so much more kickass over Nova... What happened.
I don't care what other games do with planet based gameplay; I wanted to see Nova's take on planet based gameplay!!! Now there won't be any!!! I mean why even bother with anything if CCP has the "other people do it better" attitude..... Under that logic CCP will be canning Eve once Star Citizen is released because they do spaceships better!!!!

Overall Project Nova seems interesting in points, in theory; At the moment it seems like a team based arena shooter with what sounds like an objective driven PvE co-op mode!?! On the hull of a ship in space.
Who will care about the location after the first few ogling eww and ahhh's. All players will see from there on in are the sights they're aiming down.

Dust was a PvP game, there were calls for a PvE side but in fairness Dust was always a PvP game. Why are they making Nova pander to a PvE side now? Why emulate a Call of Duty Zombie mode as PvE, it's been done to death. Will a drones enemy and A.I. be that good.
BF1 has a massive single player story mode and I've not really touched it. CoD's latest has binned single player altogether.
Where is CCP taking Nova with this. Balance? To force a player to earn greater isk only through PvE? Of all the things to bin and of all the things to bring to Nova, this!

I have way more questions than answers. I don't see that changing any time soon.
In the Q&A session video the answers only brought out more questions. And highlighted to me that this is not the game to replace Dust. Not for me.

If I don't get a chance to play the Alpha I'll ignore Nova and see what it's like in a year or two after it's "developed"; If it's still there.....


Like shooting guns. Being niche(New Eden theme!) means seeing it from your perspective!!!!!!
Because someone does something better is not a reason to ditch it from your game CCP!!!!!!!!
Who else does New Eden better than CCP for a ground based FPS!!!!! 


If others do it better CCP, why do anything at all.....

Friday, 26 October 2018


I've loved playing Fallout 4; I've seen a lot of Beta gameplay for Fallout 76, but none of what I've seen makes me want to get into the game.

An interesting solo view of '76:

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Free is free....

Metro 2033 is free on steam for the next 24 hours....

Not a game I'll be installing. But I have still claimed it. I think it was free with on Xbox a few years ago... Never got into it then.

Red Dead Redemption 2....

An interesting view of the game. With luck there will be many a patch, or alterable setting added for the PC version when released.


The latest weekly promoted mode for BF1 is all about Frontlines. Not a mode I've played a lot of. Large maps, multiple objectives pushing forwards and back. 50 minute plus matches of meaning are the norm. I could get used to this....

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


A shield as you revive eh......

Steam Sales....

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Eve Online....

Wuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh?  A massively multiplayer online game that lets you co-op! Totes amazeballs!!

There's not enough sarcasm on the planet to cover that sentence.

Can you tell I'm being testy....

Co-op... It's not like that's ever been done before... IN EVE!
Whats next, a pro-missioning fleet finder for me, my alt and my other Alpha.

Why not actually make the normal PvE missioning content really "gated" like deadspace.....
They'd have done that a long time ago if it was all really about co-op.
Never mind, I might as well be talking to a brick wall.....


Eve Online....

I haven't waffled about Eve for a while, be warned....

So the Winter updates for Eve Online are based around deployment of Abyssal Deadspace 2.0.
Abyssal Deadspace with 2 friends. Group PvE content. Sounds even more unappealing than 'normal' Abyssal Deadspace. Great, nice to see additions to the game. Just not for me. Also nice to know that deadspace is giving CCP so much analytical data. But how can CCP analyse that which is not there (players who can't be bothered like me, never mind those that have left long term). CCP will always do as CCP does. Blinkered, pigeon hole pot luck with a grand strategic overview like a world war one general(all planning but when it meets action falls on it's face).  Can you tell I'm snarky(bitter/salty?!), sarcastic and don't believe anything they say until I can see it in game with my own eye's.

There's lots in the game that needs tweaking and improvement yet, why do they keep compounding the problem by adding more function to mess the calculations up.

The more I've played Eve the more I've accumulated and the more I've become risk averse. 

I get the niggle to play, then I log my characters in as Alpha's and see that there is no real change or enhancement to my gameplay.
I like the changes to ECM because there are some level 4 missions that jam the hell out of you, needed a second ship to help. At least being able to target the ship that is blocking you from targeting anything else lets you have a chance(dread scarlet mission's final room springs to mind).
Quality of life is improved, that's always good to see. I like what they will be doing with stargates etc. But overall nothing has changed to the way I play the game so why pay for it. A quick look and the itch is scratched.

I wonder if this year will see the return of Chrimbo presents.....

Any further mystery code items?

I do like the plans to look into the war dec mechanics, long overdue to say the least. 


It's nice to see the planned release for the future Discovery content. I still don't think the first part was worth creating a new character for. It makes me appreciate my temporal agent's as well as my Jem'Hadar.

That roadmap image does give a clue to the winter event ship. A break away from the Breen with a T6 Feh'Kiri ship.

Saturday, 20 October 2018


From all the news covering the current expansion and the 'wtf' are Blizz doing to the game it's nice to see a better analysis of it.....What he (BellularGaming) said:

EVE: Echoes....

So there was a new announcement, EVE: Echoes, an alternative New Eden universe. An Eve Online for "mobile" devices (Android/iOS)..... Was this what Project Aurora was supposed to be? I thought that had a more cell-shader look to it? I'm confused as fk.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Battlefleet Gothic- Armada 2....

As good as the first game was, it was hard. I think in retrospect it was my liking of the 40k universe that pushed me through. The second game looks to be even more kickáss; But I have a feeling akin to not wanting to be pushed over that cliff again. Maybe something in the coming month's before it gets released might change my mind....


A moment of glory in an otherwise Bee Hatch of a match....

Project Nova....

CCP, like Blizzard, has always has done great cinematic work. Their latest (tweet below) is no different. But a test of the game-play is due... I've put my name into the Project Nova site for what feel like the third time. I'm never lucky with being "picked" but time will tell, on all counts.


Purchased! Even with the 2 unknown expansions content (please be Clan base, please be Clan base, please be Clan base).


I've not had any regrets at all about not getting the latest expansion.

Last week there was info out about how the player numbers were crashing though the floor, million sub loss after the expansion release etc...

From watching how Blizz are reacting and communicating with the player base it's like they aren't a company with 10 years experience as THE mmo. Me thinks they hath lost their shiz.

But it's true.... Blizz are doing a free 3 day promo of the latest expansion. The things they'll do after loosing subs.....


Ah.... There is more for free for my Hitman XBox version..... Nice!

ETS 2....

They removed the distance limit, not entirely a bad thing!

Thursday, 18 October 2018


I've been messing about (again) with adding music, sound levels/timings to my latest edit of recent BF1 footage. Could be better but time and practice will help. 

Without music:

With music:

Music used from the Audio Library channel on Youtube:

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine....

Finishing off the game revealed a finale that's worthy of the game and surprisingly the franchise as well. At least in my view but maybe I've been corrupted by Chaos in speaking such heresy

I've said the games version of 40k is a watered down version, but it is worth it.  

Reading up some more on the game and it's characters the wiki entery for Titus had a good line; "The Space Marine video game takes place in a parallel Warhammer 40,000 universe where the Ultramarines 2nd Company is commanded by Captain Titus rather than Cato Sicarius." And as we all know both time travel and parallel universes can change cannon etc.... etc... (Insert verbose 40k heretical screams here). 

The final fight was better than a straight forward weapon slugfest, but was itself a bit too long. At least it felt that way. Thankfully I cut most of it out for the Youtube upload. There's only so many times you can punch a chaos lord in the face and be entertained.... Left click(punch) x6, space(dodge), Left click x5, space, Left click x4, space.... But it was worth it in the end.

The second game would have been interesting if a bit more divergent from the universe it's based on.

There is also a good reddit post about the games ending and the main character. Discussions like it are one of the reasons I really like 40k and in a way it's no wonder I'm 'so' into the the likes of the clans in Battletech.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Two Point Hospital....

Two point Hospital is a great, great game. Between it and Battletech I've been immersed in great gaming content!

I'm currently trying to get three stars in Flemington. It's a hard last task that needs both fine tweaking and the right amount of luck. As forgiving/correctable as the game systems can be; It can also be a harsh taskmaster. So much so that you can find yourself in a very bad situation that needs a start from scratch. It hasn't happened to me yet; My wife on the other hand has had a few maps later in the game that needed more than one restart. Something for me to look forward to.... I guess.

Despite taking them out of service, training by volume is sometimes needed....

I may have overdone it with the marketing campaign as well....

I feel a Total Recall moment coming on....

ETS 2....

ETS 2's latest event Trade Connections - Germany was a nice addition to the game. I like their events, especially the community goals. This time round the main reward being the dash decoration.

During my time in game with the event I got to extent my garage/driver network. It's great to have allowed the drivers to level up a bit. 

I can now also see the benefit of allowing so much in game time to pass with all my free roaming map discovery. Events like this allow the same to happen, but with a little more profit. 
I've not been strapped for cash in game for a long time but daily profits have never been higher. Almost a million per in game day after expenses. Go my trucking minions go!

The community rewards for the event are also looking nice. I'll be doing a few more deliveries to add to the overall goal.

With a lot of driving, the latest patch's random events are of interest. Like a pimped out sports car pulled over by the cops with a police chopper flying about overhead. Or lanes closed with fire engines and police around a burned out truck trailer. It's got a lot from those bit ones to the smaller broken down car in the hard shoulder to a fly-tipped black bag.

But I was surprised to see a plane.... 
That made me more than rubber-neck the situation. (Squirrel?)

Monday, 15 October 2018

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine....

It may be a seven year old game but I have to say spoilers ahead:

I'm still plugging away with the game. The additional power ups along with weapon choice, which can be swapped and changed at regular intervals, makes for a healthy amount of ways to assault the forces you face. Add in the jet-pack and hammer stomping combo and I've found myself giggling out loud. It's a blast - pun intended. The further I get in the game the more I like it.

As the story progress's the more I'm enjoying the overall experience. I've started to take the cut-scenes in stride and have become more accepting of their ...... manner.

I've also become more forgiving of the overall visuals. They may not be super detailed but they are effective. I particularly like things once the warp gate opens up, it's glow casts every scene with an eerie glow.

The Ork boss fight (when it happens) is very suitable and satisfying.

I'm letting the game slide even more than when I last said I let it slide for being free and an older title, this is a good game.

The next part:


I've been having more balanced matches of late in Battlefield 1. There's really nothing like a match that ebbs and flows to give a satisfying feeling.

Two for show:

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Project Warlock....

Epic game trailer....


Some of my confusion with the latest STO, Age of Discovery mission regarding the USS Glenn was easily resolved by reading about the ship. Memory Alpha is a great site. I'm still confused with time lines as I thought the spore drive wasn't functional for every day use never mind combat hopping as it did in the mission. More questions than answers; Then I remember it's Discovery related and I can let it go. But it's in the game now as well and that's a pain.... In the game, so much so that the game is more divergent from the Discovery TV show than Discovery is from the original Trek...
Too many webs being weaved to keep track....
One simple solution, eradicate the horrendous STD. So many jokes so little time.

Saturday, 13 October 2018


Out of interest for an easy target, my Xbox Hitman tried a few things with the current target; Including the more guided "easy" take-downs form youtubers. There was a lot of bad timing on my part, so I went with what I knew. This time though I went with a pistol shot through the window of the room I mentioned before. Still starting in the Auction, still taking out Silvia before the meeting. But in taking the shot I was seen. Bad timing again. Maybe I should have used the Krugermeier.
Whats done is done, I was spotted but shimmied down the pipe to the 'boat key' office; took the disguise from the nearby staff member and exited out the kitchen exit after destroying the evidence with a long shot into the security office.

This was his 5th target so unlocked a new suit for him. 

I wonder if there will be more area's given away for free......

I do love the game, I'm still conflicted with Hitman 2; I wish they would allow already unlocked items to be unlocked in the second game's reworking of the first.... I'm stubborn so it'll take a lot for me to order the game never mind pre-order. I've unlocked almost everything; If my unlocked items were carried over I'd be all over the second game(like a cheap '47 suit)!

Friday, 12 October 2018


I've not been back or keeping up to date on the latest Hitman elusive targets for some time. I've no need to do the missions as I've all the rewards. And as all the rewards won't be carried over to the next game... 
Anyway I saw that the next target was one I hadn't done, so ... I did it. 
I watched the target and a moment of opportunity lead to a gun fight and a target down. Messy but was interesting. 
I started off undercover in the auction, subdued Silvia who the target is to meet. With her out of the way the target then goes into a waiting pattern around the auction area.
Part of which is into the room next to the bar balcony. I was unlucky with timings but got away with it.

ETS 2....

Another Event in ETS 2. Some nice dash/pendent rewards and a decent background as well for the personal and community efforts. I'll have to start trucking properly for this one.

" To earn your personal reward for participation, your goal is to complete a delivery of 10 cargoes to or from Germany, each starting or ending in different countries in the rest of Europe. The deliveries must be longer than 300 km. "

Full details in their post:

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine....

Part 2.... Just for fun.

Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine....

I've played a bit more 'Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine'. It's nice to be in the 40K universe, even if it feels somewhat watered down. Not as epic in graphics as Deathwing, but it's still nice to see....

The big draw in getting further in the game for me is not just the fun of cleaving or blasting orc's but the Steam achievements. There are lots and they keep popping up as you go. With the large amount of orcs on screen, you get the fun of slashing them with a sword and seeing a pop-up as one of them was the 400th of 500 needed for an achievement..... I'm no achi junkie but it's compelling.... I'm surprised that I haven't felt like it's all a grind.... yet....

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Cities Skylines....

A new expansion is due out for Cities Skylines called Industries. Very self descriptive and a bit of a turn away from the previous Green and Park based expansions. Nice to see them cater to all. I wonder when there will be a Godzilla/UFO invasion expansion....

Industries is available from the Paradox website, €3.99 for the radio station, €14.99 for the expansion content, and €17.99 for both. They also have a sale on their other DLC content for the game, cheaper than on steam.

Red Dead Redemption 2....

The game looks like its gonna deliver on a lot of content and story, I'll be lost in it all in about 2 weeks.... (October 26 release date).

Wednesday, 10 October 2018


Sometimes in a match where the enemy is stomping all before them, it's nice to have the little victories.


Today(yesterday now) saw the release of the new Age of Discovery content in STO. With what they called new starter content for newly created characters. Which is total bull from what I've seen. First things first. I created a new 'Discovery era' character and claimed the Discovery pack. Free stuff for free Zen, sure why not.

I'm not happy with the stroyline of the new content. The Discovery content is a makeover of the content already in game. Like Starfleet Academy; Which does look awesome in it's new refined sunset version.

But it's still got the same mission/textual content. There are flavor changes in the form of Tilly escorting you around instead of the usual NPC; But if you've played the game for any length you've already seen it all before.

Besides I like having the usual NPC do it and then become your crew, it feels like you've all been through the story and progress together. This is supposed to be my characters story not Tilly's. Maybe I'm being too judgmental. But I do feel like the original series and Jem'Hadar storylines did so much better in their versions of starter area's.

So Starfleet Academy; Your still guided around to do the same things; Not a bad thing as an intro but it's all been done before. If it's not broken don't fix it but if your adding new content you may as well go all in and not just change the window dressing. 

That's not to say that the new Discovery content looks bad, it's all a faithful recreation and as an addition to the game looks cool enough. But looks don't last against story and there is no real story so why bother seeing it again.

Again, your doing the same content actions in the tutorial, get weapon, listen to voicover, equip weapon and kill Klingons. STD Klingons, but still Klingons. Still just more Klingons.

None of the content has changed outside of looks. Even the hull breach in the corridor happens the same way.

Running the missions as my main was confusing re storyline as the Starfleet ship you deal with is an exact replica of the Discovery, the USS Glenn; with it's own Tardigrade and all.

Which is explained as Classified. Of course.

So it has the ability to "jump" as well, and does so. That's the least of the questions I have but I'm not into the show so I dot' really care to dig any deeper. All just very confusing .... 

The voice acting for some of the characters in the missions is cringe-worthy, no wonder the Klingons want them dead.

This is not my happy dance!

It's nice to see the sets, they are recreated very accurately, but I've taken characters through all this story arc before and I found it hard to push through this time. Disappointed that it was all the same despite the looks.

And whats at the end of it .... Freeaking time travel again! You have got to be S**Ting me.

My disappointment just dove off a cliff. I'll be parking this character at the Earth Spacedock bank and prob never use him again.....

Outside the starter STD experience; I tried the 3 new missions I on my main, they were as monotonous and in no way compelling as on my STD character. Space combat, ground sweep, space combat with nothing special at all; All been done before. Even the station your "helping" feels irrelevant. Never mind Starbase 1(Earth Spacedock), which is just a means to an end for the game, a happy coincidence for storytelling.

Missions like this were done more recently and in a more epic fashion during the last two "expansions", like the swarm attack on DSN. I wish the last two expansions had had more time(pun not intended).

STD themed content aside I've very happy with the improvements to the game, the UI, reputations etc. All great changes to the game that make it feel more refined. The extension of the rep systems is a grind but the rewards may make it worth while. Not that I'll be doing much of it even on my main.

This expansion just smacks of a cash splash PR push on the side of the TV show... That's a tin foil hat theory I'll steer away from fully considering for now. Like the TV show this "expansion" is all show and no substance.

This is worth a watch on that front: