Tuesday 5 March 2019

BF 1....

I was about a year late to the game but even with the large amount of time I've put in I've not been the most productive. But I'm unlocking a lot more these day's. I'm really happy with where my Assault and Medic class loadouts are at. Both level 50's.

Annihilator Trench(close range) or the Hellriegel 1915 Factory(Medium range)
Hellfighter M1911
AT Grenade
AT Rocket Gun or AT Mine(depends on the map)
Gas grenade
Welsh Blade
(I've been ignoring a lot of the shotgun unlocks)

Mondragón Sniper
Hellfighter M1911
Medical Crate
Medical Syringe
Gas grenade
Welsh Blade
(I've been ignoring a lot of the other self loading rifles)

For all the loadouts I've chosen the Welsh Blade; I think it's needed for a 5 kill in one round unlock of something but I can't remember what it was for ....... Another Melee weapon maybe.....

Also all have the Flak/Cover/Quick Regen bonus's equipped.

For the support class I have 4 (main) weapons left to unlock. Two are outside the odds(and my playstyle) so I'm not going to attempt them. For those two I'd need a level 10 pilot for the M1911 Extended and 40 kills with the FT light tank for the C93 Carbine. Maybe that last one might be doable but I'm in no way pushed about it. The other two are:

The Parabellum MG14/17 Low Weight, which needs 2 airplane kills with LMG's and 20 kills with the mortar airburst(already completed). Very luck and circumstance based.

And the Huot Automatic Optical; Which needs 300 kills with the Huot Automatic and 25 kills with limpet charges(which unlike dynamite, explodes on it's own after a few seconds). Even more luck and situation based PITA.

Both of those unlocks really need a lot of luck. The more I think about it the more I know I'm leaning towards ignoring them. To do them just for the sake of getting an unlock I wont' use. I think I can call the Support class 'done'. I'm happy with the Support 'final' loadout:

Lewis Gun Suppressive(med to long range ish), BAR Storm(close range ish), Perino Model 1908 Low Weight (Long range ish or sheer bullet hose against planes). Honourable mentions for the M1917 MG Low Weight and the Burton LMR Trench. LOTS to like on this class. LOTS of options.And maybe the IMG 08/18 Low Weight but it's a temperamental beast to handle re ammo/cooling etc. All situational in use.
Hellfighter M1911
Ammo Crate
Mortar - HE
Incendiary Grenade
Welsh Blade

And again with the Flak/Cover/Quick Regen bonus's.

As the class is level 25 there are 25 more levels to go for "max" level not that that's anything more than prestige....

Think I might move on to the Sniper class next....

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