Tuesday 26 March 2019

That Division....

After having posted the video I get a copyright warning/monitisation. Which from my point of view is as irritating as F**K. It's gameplay footage, fair use in my book. So I've reedited my gameplay footage to remove the action music.

This has really made me bítchy today! I can totally understand the youtubers who do monetise and then get hit like this for their gameplay. Makes me want to vent negatively about this type of shenanigans. I'm sure it'll be hit again....

Original post:

The last time I posted about The Division it was the second post I ever did on the game. That post was done for the first and only time I got to try the game out as a trial. Even being a few years old, it seems to my minds eye as if it was a lot, lot longer. I'm still not interested in it, even with all the changes in it's lifetime. With the second game out I decided to look for the clip of the tutorial I did. Long story short I'm posting the old clips to YouTube since I never did before. Another for the 'Ye olde captured footage', maybe not a game that's quiet "Ye olde" just yet.

Reedited footage:

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