Monday 4 March 2019

Dawn of Man....

Dawn of Man had been a game that didn't really snag my attention. My wife on the other hand put it on her wishlist as soon as she saw the trailer last year. The game is from the same developers as Planetbase. While it has a lot of interface similarities it 'feels' like a better game. I think its best to describe it as a cross between Planetbase(modular game mechanics and ease of use) and the look and feel of Banished(a game that was too harsh for me), both games my wife loves. DoM has just been released and both Steam & GoG have -15% off the price. After a weekend of my wife plugging away with it I ended up getting it as well.

Long story short, if you like either Planetbase or Banished and don't mind going back in time to game in the stone age for 10,000 years. It's an easy game to get into and well worth it from what I've seen.

Here's the tutorial level I played:

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