Saturday 16 March 2019


I've been back to Tharsis a lot today. 99% of the attempts have been horrific due to 'bad luck' rolls of the dice. Every now and then there was a glimmer of good luck. I almost said 'hope' instead of 'good luck', there's no hope in this game. As for luck, The mechanic below was dealt with a massive unworkable problem. He did solve the module he was in. If only it was an escape pod. He went out fighting. Little victories. WD40 and duct tape.

Here's that full run to see the brick wall that they went into! (no game music or cut-scenes due to the hammer that would drop on the video, and I don't even monitise!):

In fact it's been a bad day for all ships involved in gameplay today, FTL, Tharsis and Race the Sun!
No wonder my wife said I shouldn't log into Eve Online!!!!

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