Tuesday 23 April 2019


My suggested games on stream pointed me towards Islanders. Steam linked it to me because of Kingdoms and Castles and Mini Metro. I didn't really pay attention to it until I'd seen a few youtubers mention it(here and here). Because of what I saw from them I picked it up. It is only €4.99 after all.

Even after an initial install and play it was well worth the money. More a game akin to Mini Metro than K&C. It's a hard game to describe, space management, tertis-esque, points based puzzle builder.
Building A gets a bonus beside a resource or building B, building C also want that resource but can't be beside building A. All the while you try to fit it all together on limited space while also trying to build up combo points to get your level up to unlock more buildings. Sounds more complex but the gameplay is intuitive and once you know what needs to be next to what or avoided it starts to get addictive.

Enough waffle from me the dev video says it best:

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