Monday 29 April 2019

No Mans Sky....

Speaking of news that I'm catching up on; A player run mapping system to get to the centre is great to see being done for the game. It reminds me of the Eve Online wormhole mapping(finding the Thera system).

DARC peeked my interest but then, after considering the effort I'd still need to put in and the result it would give. Well it's kind of self defeating. I could always say I'd do it because it was there but that motivation died a long time ago, the game took it from me. I'm not bitter at the game, just tired and unmotivated to start again. The excitement for it's game goals has passed me by and the additions to the game since, great as they are, have compounded that feeling. Still, I'm interested enough to keep tabs on the game. Maybe something will change that gets me back in.

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