Friday 19 April 2019


The game has always had a far more lenient way with the Trek universe, combining different series and timelines simultaneously into a game that is fun for all who play.
A ship in game that's never been seen in any film/tv series is a lot more believable, a lot more plausible to accept. Or even a race like the Tzenkethi, great to see and be a part of.

As for Discovery, I don't like a lot about the new show. I can accept some of it in the game, ship designs, uniform styles etc. But the more that gets duplicated in regard to storylines the more I'm put off by it. It reminds me of what they could be using that talent/time/energy/money on for other parts of the game.

I have a hope that Discovery will end with a nice timeline dilation that wipes it from the Trek franchise universe, setting the records straight again.

Why am I waffling about this, mainly because the new 'daily task force operation' storyline is STD based. The system itself is a longer term rep grind. It'll reward a player with vouchers that can be used for a single daily reward or added to a 60 day's worth, that will reward a player with a Tier 6 ship from the in game store. Time will tell how these tasks will develop and the TFO's involved will no doubt reinterpret the rebooted reinterpretation that is Star Trek Discovery. *eye-roll*

Having done my first of this TFO today I was wondering where the 'new' vouchers were. Unlike the TFO vouchers that you manually apply to a reputation project; The new coupon token progress has it's own counter. Located in the bottom left of the reputation UI window.
This weekend as is a bonus for the coupons/vouchers/tokens so I now have 100/3000.

If nothing else it's a way of getting players to log into the game regularly over the longterm.

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