Sunday 28 April 2019


Today saw the release of an epic patch, v1.14. Epic in every way. The additions, changes and fixes are, well, epic. VILLAGE & PILLAGE OUT TODAY ON JAVA.

Going through each line of that patch would be too long a post. The only thing I really want to see from the patch are the cats, domesticated cats. I need the domesticated cats in my houses. All the cats.
I'm a cat person. But I'll wait till I have a good bit of game time to sort that out.

I had changed a fire into a new campfire but it didn't look the part because it spat sparks. Not a good indoor look. It also has way to much smoke to be indoors anyway.


Went back to the before look!

One thing that always happens with the release of a patch, even as big as this one, is that the cache for the game gets screwed up('Java' edition). This makes the terrain generation look, broken, so very very broken.

This should resolve once as it rebuilds it's files as you pass by area's etc... Annoying in game yet comedic to see.

The track does exist:

I think they have intensified some colours:

The setting sun highlights the scenery:

 And my personal favourite touring sight, Piiiiiiigs in Spaaaaaaaace:

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