Wednesday 24 July 2019


I'll be the first to admit I haven't a clue when it comes to really understanding the Meta of current STO ship fits. I'm a module/weapon scrounging, ad-hoc, fit it together and see what happens kind of STO player. Sometimes it works and other times it works -80% of potential. STO is forgiving. The game is so far along that in groups it's mainly higher end players that know what they are doing and even if only one of 5 in a group is like that; They can bring victory. I've both been a TFO elitist snob and a ship fit ultimate noob of noobness; Usually one right after the other and then repeated. STO isn't a game I feel like I need to be on the bleeding edge of to maximize game expedience and fun. That with the Trek theme is all I need to maintain a presence in the game. It's forgiving and I forgive it it's quirks. This game can be as easy or hard as you want, solo, group, community. Fun, all about fun.

I'm waffling like this because this morning I unlocked the Risa event summer ship 2019. It's a high to have finished and be rewarded with a cooler ship than the cool ship I thought I was already gonna be getting.

The new Risa ship really is FUN! It's a fast manoeuvrable ship. I've slapped on a very ad-hoc(or termed in Eve Online a shít fit) array of spare modules, excess ship consoles from account reclaim; And a few exchange pieces to fill the gaps. All based around a loose phaser, dual beam build. It all works well. I'm not sure if that's due to the new version of experimental weapon that comes with the ship but it kicks áss. It's a fast firing weapon with an animation akin to the Quake 2 gauss rifle. That weapon and the speed of the ship are a super fun combo(as can be seen in the later part of the video below).

I wish there was a way to share all the module info but a screen cap will have to do.

I also added on the 'Bozeman Titans' vanity shield to give it the yellow and black look.

So here's my last 2019 Risa run, ship claim, ship ability faff and first TFO test run with it:

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