Friday 15 May 2020

Silent Hunter III....

This latest 'getting back into the game' patrol is proving to be constant bad weather with the added bonus of my sub tripping over all the shipping in the Atlantic.

Bad weather, poor visibility and a target is something I can live with.

Spotter planes/bombers in good weather are things I wish I could avoid more; But I've still been getting to defend well against them. How dare they try and stop my speedy charge into the Atlantic!

Just about halfway to the designated patrol area and I'd already used up all but 3 fore and 2 aft torpedoes. With that I sent a patrol/contact report and was told to return to base.

Mission done early; Something else I can also live with.

The return journey saw more shipping, which used up the last torpedoes.

If only I had some more...... Target rich environment indeed.

No torps doesn't mean no kills. The main deck gun.

I do recall using the deck gun quiet a lot in the past. Even when I had torpedoes. Another relearning curve for dealing with (mainly smaller) ships. Still fun to use, but far from being on par with the way I was 'back in the day'.

Thinking back now I'm sure I went out of my way to use the deck gun on coastal shipping.

After that the return to base was uneventful.... Not even planes.

Patrol 21 done.

That cluster in the BE grid really is the place to be.

All in all a good return to the game. My need for a sub sim reconfirms this game is great. Makes me want to go back and do research on the follow up games... SH 4 and 5.... Maybe even.... modded!!

Or just do another patrol now that I'm reacquainted with SH3 and can adjust some settings etc.

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