Wednesday 20 May 2020

Mechwarrior 5....

I gave Mechwarrior 5 one more try before uninstalling it. I guess that last part gives away what I finally thought of it. Welcome to my echo chamber.

I think my disappointment from my enthusiasm and expectation for this new mech game had gotten in the way of me liking it. It does have it's good points. A good aesthetic. I just expected more and better from it so my disappointment is larger than perhaps it should be if I was being more 'objective'. Lots of gamers will see this as their first mech (PC)game; Egged on by the rose tinted glasses of older game hype recalling 'back in the day'. Not to mention Mechwarrior Online.

I still can't help but think of this game as the Mechassault of it's day. Not a bad game, maybe even a good game. A take on the franchise in it's way. The same formula but skewed in a different form from what came before it. A bit too different from what I want. So I'm biased from the start.

The more I played the more the little things 'got to me'. So I restarted the campaign from scratch again, just to see if that made a difference. See if I'd missed something or could pick up on some nuance that would make it 'click'. It didn't.

Mech's, no matter the size still feel like hovercraft to me. The boulders you trod over do break if they are big enough but don't effect your stride. Not until they are so big(like a mountain) that they halt your progress entirely.

There being no way to alter the company logo... Only the name... In an escape from a system where your hunted... You can't change the logo..... Only the name of your company. Bugged me no end.

Mech shutdowns are only a software reboot and nothing to do with heat. Even on a cold snow covered rock you'd think there'd be more heat dissipation....I complained about that before in my last post. Feels like I might as well get out and blow on it for greater effect.
It's a big part of mech management so it's another splinter I can't ignore. A shutdown used to last longer and had meaning for heat clearance. This current system smacks so hard as an Online carryover. Yea it really got to me.

This is only compounded when you need to destroy a base, each shot of my lasers overheating my mech, yet each shot only doing a few % damage. Took forever! That's not fun gameplay.

Looking back at Mech 2 combat it still feels a lot more 'impactful' than Mech 5. Mech 5 is too fast....
It's easier to now see the Mechwarrior Online influences in Mech 5. Mech 5 shouldn't be akin to a first person shooter. It should be World of Tanks!

Then again maybe this is all gone way to 'arcadey' and I should take it as such.... No thanks. There is a balance that should have been struck! It's a missed opportunity in my book. "a lesser son of greater sires".

I'm an old dog and this new trick goes too far. My immersion in this game never happened.
It's a lot of small things but they take me out of the game more and more....
Am I taking it too serious?! Maybe but as I said I expected more from the game. It's been a long wait.

It could've been so much more. All franchise rehash/rework and no vision in so many area's. Like I said, disappointment.

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