Sunday 24 May 2020

Silent Hunter III....

Silent Hunter III is a game you can really have a lot of fun with. A good part of the game are the anywhere save points (bar when in combat). A save before an engagement can let you 'test the waters' so to speak; And to push the limits and see what you can try and get away with. Or aim for perfection. When all fails you can then revert to that last save and act like nothing happened.
It's handy to save and then do a convoy attack, do the attack and then save once it's done. You can reload and redo this process and keep the best run save. That really is gaming the system and it's a lot of 'work'; But if there's fun and motivation then why not.

The last two patrols, getting back into the game this year have been plagued by allied air-power.

More now than I remember from 'back in the day'. While it's good/enjoyable/doable to defend yourself against one or two planes; once you get spotted it's like you face off with waves if ever increasing reinforcement numbers. Now the A.I. isn't the best but in large numbers they are a pain. My preferred defence is to dive to periscope and quietly move on. However given the amount of attacks and my 'aggravation' at those planes I wanted to see how I could push things.

Very defendable as it turns out but at the cost of hull.......

Time to reload.....

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