Monday 13 July 2020

Ghost Recon....

At a quick glance I have 160 blog posts regarding Ghost Recon Wildlands. I loved and played that game to bits for years. I could gush for hours about the game, imperfect as all things are but a massively playable game.

At a quick glance I have 4 Ghost Recon Breakpoint blog posts. I didn't even buy the game. Playing it twice via pre launch tests. Proof enough(of it's changes away from Wildlands and how bad I thought they were implemented in Breakpoint).

All ancient history now. Mid to late 2019 and up to March 2020 was Breakpoint's window from testing to launch; I could rant about it but it' snot worth the time.

I am surprised that it's been kept going and updated. Supported buy Ubi devs is commendable. I'm not sure if it's due to bone headedness or desire for profit(doubling down as it were). A.I. Team members seem to be coming in after all. Good effort after the horses bolted from the stables. I'm not sure Ubi/decision makers have really learned anything from the Breakpoint process.

At least thematically they are returning to a more true to form Tom Clancy genre for the franchise. Almost like they are in Bolivia again.

I'd still not touch the game with a barge pole but you got to love the dedication..... Or boneheadedness with them trying to improve things. Given it was a massive part of Wildlands(A.I. team) that took a long while to implement(in Breakpoint), it's a wonder it never registered(with the development of Breakpoint) as a no brainer element of the game from day one.....

Just saying...

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