Thursday 23 July 2020

No Man's Sky(with a side of Minecraft)....

I have a muddied history with No Man's Sky. Almost 60 blog posts over the years of varying waffling'ness(this one is no different), from high's to low's. From it's interesting lead up to launch, it's actual launch, to my start in the game, my decided ending and the aftermath and the need for more.

A long term tried and tested history. A lot of been there and done that.

I'm all for patches and content updates. This game has delivered some great content and still gives more. The delivering on the promises made and the surpassing of those with work done since. Yet it's that work that plucked me from my planet. A planet that I chose and they removed me from. It was a gut wrenching moment. My entire adventure in the game lead to a patch that randomly threw me out into the universe. Choices to choice-less made my gameplay meaningless, a waste of all my previous time.

What's done is done. I do 'go on' about it, b*tching and moaning because to me it was such a hit in the face. Hard to forget. So yea my history in and with this game weighs my considerations down.

Can I ever get over that? I'm not sure at all.

I'm sure it's possible to find and travel back to that planet; But at this stage I doubt it's worth the efforts. The break was made. The journey altered.

So the game has been back on my mind since the Desolation trailer and patch:

New content, same'ol same'ol ? ?

Being away from playing the game (minor hopping back to see patch changes not withstanding), it's been about 2 years(ish). Seeing this trailer does makes me wonder about it. Not about hopping back in to quickly see changes; I'm past all that. Thinking more broadly about the game as a whole and getting back into it weighing the options.

It's not a case of 'just' playing it. Not for this particular gamer. There are better games to 'just play'.

While I've gotten value for money long term from the game; There's still a certain unfulfilled element for me. A loose end I'm not sure I can ever solve. The idea of No Man's Sky is still there if not the practicality for me. I do still want meaning from the game, more mysterious adventure.

Despite all the changes, additions and tweaking to the game; I'm still thinking that I've done it all before. How different is it really going to be on a deserted freighter this patch. Maybe the new freighter content is 'just' the deserted base on a planet only bigger...... And in space. So yea been there, done that.

I wonder if I can get back to the game again by starting fresh. The best way to 'get back into it'?
It's the question that drives us..... The potential of what could be.

Going back to my old all in one save only brings back the unwanted memories of what was lost; And how behind the curve I am. Missing out on the grind workload of newer content. The game is a grind. In both good and bad way's. Getting up to speed seems so much work(finding portals and glyph's, the space anomaly station thing, changes since my day, community event(s), different economies, racial standings, currencies, weekend events, more currencies, classes of upgrades be it ships or equipment. (All to name but a few). At least it seems so to me. A far cry from just being and exploring.

Lacking game knowledge is a massive time sink to catch up on never mind anything in game. Jason Plays channel has so much content per day that is fun and informative but compounds my feeling on how much I am 'behind'. Dependent on the gamer play-style I suppose. Multiplayer group content is not for me in this game.

Maybe with Desolation there's been so many changes since 'my day' that there is new purpose to the wandering again. Now more so in space as well as on planets that does go further. Turn off multiplayer in options..... Be a lone traveler with nothing but a suit and a ship. K.I.S.S.

Now, might actual be that time I mentioned. To start again, a real fresh start in a new save. It's tempting. No harm in trying the latest version from scratch.

Then again the new patch for Minecraft has added a lot of content which I've been playing. As well as enjoying it with my wife.

The latest Minecraft patch has an easier lan co-op and makes it a lot better than running the previous separate lan server option. It's been great to play my 'main' save co-op with her, a map with everything I've done since I first created it in mid 2011. A save I'm proud of(a few others not so much). Can't ever say that about No Man's Sky. Yea the NMS bitterness is coming back to me more and more. I've waffled about both games in comparison before. It's an easy comparison to do and an easy way to say Minecraft is 'better' as an exploration game. At least for me. So why start NMS again and waste spend time on the lesser of the two....

Here I am a year on and still pondering the same questions(Minecraft(with a side of No Mans Sky)).
Indecision is a killer. Hmmmmmmm.
No Man's Sky.
The potential of what could be.
Just a quick look....
At some stage from scratch again....

.... Spends 3 hours in Minecraft.

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