Monday 15 August 2016

Fallout 4.... Nuka wait

I've repositioned my Characters in the wait for Nuka World. One of the characters I had done the least on has done a face lift on her home.  
With the Minutemen ignored from the get go and with my need to rebuild a new base (seeing as the expected Vault 88 was a let down); Yes I decided to do a rebuild in Sanctuary.
Unfortunately the characters and settlers already there proved to be ignorant of my personal space. So they had to go. So to get rid of Preston I had to make him a companion and to do that I had to go so far as to clear The Castle. No biggy easily done.
The problem was with Mama Murphy. Unfortunately for me I had already in a moment of weakness let her live and kept off drugs. I know. What was I thinking. But here she is now, off her chair and walking about. Walking about all over my private sanctum... So she had to go. I tried the bullet method but she would go to 99% health then wallow on the ground until I stooped shooting and get back up. In the same way as companions do. So extreme measures were called for. Mr Internet answered the call with an npc move command. I'd been moving all the "settlers" and other characters to Red Rocket just across the river so it wasnt' far if I needed one of them. 
The only two I kept were Dogmeat in his kennel and Ada on permanent guard duty on the only sentry post. I'd have kept Codsworth as well but he refused to do or be assigned to anything.
Small nice and neat!

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