Saturday 10 November 2018

Fallout 4....

With all the latest buzz and kerfuffle about Fallout 76, I took another walk back into Fallout 4.

For 76, I've mainly been watching a playthrough and I'd have liked it as a single player game; But sharing all those materials with others is an added level of hassle I wouldn't want. Never mind asshats just being asshats. You know the type.... jumping everywhere around you, shooting everything in the hopes you'll PvP with them. Pish off!

So what have I been doing in my Fallout 4 universe's. Well, faffin about. Enjoying the game by just being in the game. I'm on Day 5 of my save game revisits. I now know I shouldn't have expected this to be a quick revisit. Noticing one thing leads to noticing another and before you know it I'm micromanaging settlements, readjusting defenses and being massively over detailed about having my characters setup/base/HQ/gear in a certain way. 

My Main was an experience and discover everything neutral/good doer, siding with the minutemen and railroad. Complex beyond all when adding in the DLC's.
Both my Brotherhood and Institute playthrough's were less complex due to the nature of those organisations. But there was still a lot of leeway as the stories played out to be "complex". Both didn't do a lot with settlements unless it was in their interests(Unlike my main who was the opposite).

I guess I did a lot more akin to roleplay with those than my main.

Take my institute character. Once the game progressed far enough, she cleared all the settlers from Sanctuary initially to Red Rocket but then onto The Castle. Finally keeping Codsworth, X6-88, Ada and Jezebel as sentry guards(and Dogmeat of course). The only character playthrough I used console commands with to alter the game; first to physically move Mama Murphy(left her in red rocket), and second to add in a ton of Nuka World shock collars for companions, because of course she would track her subjects. 

I got that idea when my main started to hand out Pip-boy's form Vault 88 to her companions.... One thing leads to another.

The Institute characters "base" not much changed, just tweaked:

The amount of tweaking of things that don't really matter to gameplay is colossal, on all my saves.
Decisions that only matter the the player and the character via game role-play more so than anything else. 

The fact that I got the game and created things before other DLC came out, necessitating redesigns and makeovers only adds to the "work"; I could spend all day/week doing up posts detailing things never mind what version of change management it was at.... Projects on projects. My past posts do detail a lot.  Enjoyable at the time and even now but such a time sinkhole!
I might just do up another post with my last "mess-about-with" character. I'm not even sure about how to classify that playthrough, neutral /non involvement, maybe...

Some things are universal for playthrough's. Like adjusting the companions looks. 
Or always saving the clean comfy pillow's for my own bed.
Or putting a bowler hat on Codworth.

Or a tux on Piper or Longfellow. And/or arming them with a hilariously large shredder mini-gun....

Outfitting everyone!!! Everywhere!!!!

There is meaning in the madness..... It's better to have settler guards in combat gear, just to help in combat.

Or Mama Murphy in a Hazmat or Space suit.... Just for fun.

I almost forgot about this.

All this and a thousand hours of gameplay..... I think I got my monies worth.

Indoor blacksmith's furnace next to 2 high pressure 200 year old welding tanks.... What could go wrong! In Fallout 4 nothing can go that wrong; But I know there still like that in that save game, still there and not adjusted. Just look at the hose running under the tool chest.... It all needs to be redone...... Nah sod it. Time to let go....

Till next time.

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