Monday 20 September 2021


Games, like so much entertainment(like so much else never mind entertainment) are in the eye of the beholder. A persons gaming tastes, wants and needs can all change and evolve over time. Everybody's different. Nostalgia adds to personal opinion and the mix gets more complex. 

The real reason for this post....Lists, lists of things.... But one list in particular.

You'll know the type. "10 things you shouldn't miss". "Top 20 things you need to try now". 99% of which is pure click-bait B.S. (cough Watch mojo cough). To me those types of video's are cliche. Lists are very subjective. However when a list comes from a source I do watch and enjoy anyway. Whose content is one I appreciate; And who doesn't do that type of video content very often.... Of course I'll look at what the list is. It's not just another list for the sake of putting out a list of lists video (cough gameranx cough)....

Having Xbox gamepass/Ultimate myself I checked the games out.
Those being. 

1. The Artful Escape
2. Joy Ride Turbo
3. Nuclear Throne
4. Lumines Remastered
5. Touhou Luna Nights

Two of the games struck a chord with me(no pun intended for the first choice), The Artful Escape and Lumines Remastered.

As for the others......

JoyRide Turbo while it's arcadey cartoony Xbox avatar looks belie it's 'decent' gameplay... Is not for me. I've played similar genre games that make JoyRide less appealing. I'd prefer the likes of, Horizon Chase Turbo or Hotshot Racing. Maybe I'd have been into it back in the day but not now.

Nuclear Throne looks interesting but given I've not been back to Enter the Gungeon in a long time; This style of game right now is not appealing. Not even to try(a mistake?).

Touhou Luna Nights is a game style/theme/franchise I'm not into at all so I've no interest for it, again not even to try(another mistake??).

The two I liked....

Lumines Remastered is a puzzle Tetris like game. Given I'm still 'into' Tetris Effect this game clicks with me. It's got everything that makes such a game a joy to play. Sound, music. It's satisfying. I've put more time into it than I'd thought I'd do. It may not stay installed long-term but as long as it's fun.... it's fun(eye of the beholder etc).

By far the best game on the list for me was The Artful Escape. A short enough game(finished it in two sessions over two days) but fun and 'different'. It's themes, humour, visuals all cover a wide range of time and space. In more ways than one. So many nuanced influences in action. Not that I know them all but 'I get it'. Monty Python; Yellow Submarine, expressionist, existential.... It covers a lot of ground even when your not looking. 

Game-play wise it's not so far removed from another side scrolling story puzzler story I played recently. 

The Artful Escape is loud on every level you can think of. Audio and visual. Fun in ways I thought I'd hate(Simon says button mash game mechanic); But it all works. A game with a journey worth playing to the end.

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