Thursday 16 September 2021

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

More Battlefield on Xbox. I'm Still playing that version more than PC. Back to the pc version only to double check my class's setup than do any gameplay.

While one good thing about the new Series S/X controllers is that they have the dedicated capture button; The downside is I end up with a lot of clips. A lot!

Xbox clip, upload to Xbox network and download to PC with the Console Companion app. Delete those clips via Xbox selecting both local and 'network' versions of the clips..... So I'm left with the only version of those clips on my PC..... When I looked yesterday I had 70+...... That's excessive and daunting when considering the edits needed.

To ensure I 'capture' moments I've set the clip capture to be 1080 and last 2 minutes. Sooooooo Those clips I get usually only have what I want to capture at the end of that 2 minutes and is probably only 10 to 20 seconds long. I'd change the clip length but that 'just in case I miss something' thought gets in the way. 

This all leads to me doing a Youtube video of game-play. Stubbornly I've so much to add into 'just one' that a mashup is the only way to present it. Add and edit clips, add in music to match(kind of), add in transitions etc.... Complex, but at least I'm lucky. Some things in editing 'just' work out. Music with the right beat etc...

So the gameplay in the last week is more akin to PC than I first thought the game to be. It's not just the co-ordinated clan members. Maybe not even 'cheaters' but definitely those that use technology to 'aim'(across a map and behind a building....?). It is what it is. I've found that there are(like on PC) sweet spots in the day that have gamers gaming and not just the super competitive egoists.

Another version of the game I've gotten my monies worth out of. I've had fun and frustrations, wouldn't be a multiplayer game if not with both. 

As for the mashup, it's clips are a near complete look on my class upgrades since I started it on Xbox

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