Friday 3 September 2021

Battlefield 1(Xbox)....

Battlefield 1 as a game is great. Emotive single player action(imho) and it has one of the best multiplayer games I've played in a long time. I'm biased towards the Battlefield franchise so it's no wonder I've been playing BF1 for years. Years on PC. This Xbox version is up there for game-play and I'm still enjoying it for the most part(here and here). So much so that I've not really been back to the PC version since I started.

I've nothing to prove in it as it's not may 'main' version of the game.... As it stands I'm happy with how the leveling on console has gone. Really quickly! I've been enjoying leveling up, unlocking weapons etc. 

I've reached into the level 70's and have unlocked my preferred weapons across the classes.
All with the Hellfighter M1911 sidearms, incendiary grenades, but not settled on a melee weapon.

With all that gear I'm comfortable playing each class. That's not to say that I get to play them the same way as on PC. I don't. I lean more on the SMG for assault, the Auto 8 for Medic, the Lewis Suppressive for Support and everything else bar the main weapon for the Scout.... All because I can't aim as fast as on PC. Too slow on close up targets and too fast far away so compromise is needed.

While I can translate in game knowledge, map and mode tactics(as well as having luck); The input translation is much more of a problem an issue. Trying to aim with speed with a controller....I've mentioned it in passing before and it's hard for me. A controller is not a keyboard/mouse so is inherently going to be lacking precision. Especially as I can directly compare it to my PC version experiences. There's not much I can do to change things other than in game sliders; Yet I feel I need that little bit extra to compete. Controller sensitivity settings can only do so much to bring my experience on par to a PC's. There are so many players that seem to pull of extreme shots so easily.

Players where it 'feels' like they are using a mouse and keyboard. Too much of an accurate shot at too far a range....... They could be that good but they may have technology to help. There are 'controllers' that are specifically designed for FPS games.... I'm not that hardcore. A normal Xbox Series X/S controller is doing 'fine'. I don't wanna spend €150+ on a piece of hardware to compensate... I already have the PC version so...... Console = casual despite my need to compete(or at least feel like I'm trying to be competitive...)

Assaulting in close quarters is better... No one has time to aim...Bullet hose = victory.
Sniping long distance...... Gives me time to line up a shot.
It's the other 80% middle ground that's a problem. Some weapons are better than others. Most of the time it's 'OK' but the other times where I curse the lack of precision bring frustration. Those I could have done better moments are more plentiful in this version and are growing.... A catch 22, unavoidable nature of the console version perhaps..... 

Variables/Calculations, stop thinking and shoot..... 
Maybe with all that considered there's no answer for me.... Just messing about with the game settings. Trial and error to make things a little better......

To illustrate my current lack of precision I present this encounter. A fun one in retrospect. My aim wasn't the only one 'off'... 

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