Thursday 9 September 2021

Star Trek Online....

Playing the game, especially on ground missions/exploration can bring irritation. It's not that it's hard gameplay but difficulty in it's doing. All down to the games 'quirkiness'. Problems with collision detection and game-play area's.... invisible obstructions... that kind of thing. This is made worse on the console version having the jump button the same one (long press) to open a menu. So frustrations 'can' abound. Nothing worse(*almost) than wanting to jump only to bring up a menu... I'm waffling about this because on console I needed wanted to get my 'main' to jump to several area's (scenic locations) for an achievement. That achievement is one with a really, really low completion stat, 0.17%. After seeing what it needed for completion I thought it wouldn't be that hard to do... And it wasn't, not really.... 

There were a few expletive moments of try try try again but not so much as to throw a controller across the room and forget about completing it. I was motivated by the stat and being among the very few to have done it; And I got there

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