Monday 27 September 2021


It's been a while since I last looked at Minecraft on Xbox. In retrospect my blog post last time was more dismissive then the game deserved. So I've recently restarted playing it and continued on from that old 'save'. What I said in that post is still true. After playing it again now it's still a lot like other cross platform titles; The same but that bit different. I say that a lot about games I see across PC and Xbox. Hard to explain but the 'little' differences make it a familiar new experience and not in a Déjà vu kind of way. Besides that, moods change as do perspectives. I appreciate it more now. 
My PC save and restarting there would feel more like work due to having done so much there already(years of building on a save since the games early day's when it was 'free'). Doing it on a new platform feels refreshing. So a new start on a new platform with no pre-existing baggage at all is appealing. A distraction that has sunk hours of time. Gaming, it's all personal perspective.

It's odd to me to see the monetization/market space and it's 'currency'. Maybe that's me and my Java edition superiority complex. I'd known things were like that on Xbox but seeing it myself ....... I didn't think it was so extensive. Given it's not a 'main' version of a game for me I'll not be doing anything with that side of it.

What has proved to be a strong motivator to gameplay is getting achievements. It's 'nice' to 'just' play and get the achi popup...... Sense of achievement for the achievement...... Aiming for some that are 'out of the way' also add to the mix. Others are too much work and not even aimed for.

The stats on achievements like in other games, have me pondering the playerbase.

Some are explainable. People love bunny rabbits so they aren't going to go out of their way find never mind kill, cook and eat one in game. There are plenty of other 'options' for that. 8.6% have had bunny, I get it.

Farming and breeding animals is a more 'specialist' activity, 17.2% have bred cows. I get it.

Visit 17 Biomes. 38%. Not everyone can visit everywhere... I get it. 

Stopping starvation with Rotten Flesh. Just like the bunnies but in reverse.7.9%. I get it(I only did it for the achievement).

I even get the 4.9% making charcoal and 6.1% crafting and using a flower pot. Not everyone is going to want those things.

What I don't get are some of these....

Make a crafting bench..55.9%. Who plays Minecraft and not make a workbench!

Make a cobble furnace... 46% ........................?

Made a wooden pickaxe... 54.5 % ........................? Really ?

Make a wooden sword... 52.5%  ........................?

Only 63% have punched a tree to get a wooden block....  that IS Minecraft.!!?!?!??!?


Only 67% opened the inventory...............Sixty Seven Percent.................. What ?!?!?!?

Given the range of versions and modes I'm sure the stats are skewed. Playing Multiplayer only and/or creative mode. Still it's 'interesting' to see and mull/comprehend the stats.

My save on Xbox is a good lil'adventure. Yes I've been burned by lava, blown up by creepers, slapped about by Slenderman, speared by drowned, looted villages and gotten lost. Noting like the motivation of creating a new compass in the wilderness as motivation(and all the tools needed to do so). Survival mode at it's best. But getting back to home sweet home where things are plentiful and safe is always a good feeling......... Then gearing up for a new expedition.

Things have changed a bit since I captured these screenies but they give a good snapshot of my save..... 

A Netherbrick eternal flame.... That I use for waste disposal.....


Decent all in one house....

House come animal shed at the back....

In retrospect, is it odd to have a potential bbq area next to the animals....

Horse and donkey stabled on the opposite side....

While I did craft a Golem he has since wandered off or been destroyed.....MIA

Fencing off a portal I created helps with 'interacting' with any Pigmen that wander through.

Behind that is an early build, observation platform. Nothing like a birds eye view to see whats about.

A ladder up and down is good but a trapdoor down to water is handier.

As for inside the house, all mod cons.... Nothing fancy but all practical. The only thing I need to try and get is a bit of an enchanting addition.

The blacksmiths table is hidden in the corner. A lot of things like that around.

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