Tuesday 28 September 2021

Stardew Valley....

It's been a long time since I was last in the game in a meaningful way never mind blog about it. That's just a me thing, on all counts, play it and blog about it after I have.. Too many games and not enough time. My last post was about the release of the 1.5 patch. Even in that I'd said the same thing. This last year or so I think Stardew Valley has reached the maxed out level of casual gameplay it can give me.

I've dipped in and out to 'stay in touch' with the game; Doing some small progressions on content. Like the Auto-Grabber for my Coops. Technically a patch 1.4 addition but I'd only 'noticed' that it worked in coops when 1.5 hit!

New items like the fridge and phone had to be added to the farm as well.

While I may never use it, as it is new, the sewing machine had to also be placed.... Maybe of use in the future.

And the same can be said for the Jukebox.

And of course the farm computer also needed to be added in(winter farm analysis).

I also setup a section of farm to be used with the Mahogany Seeds so a new 'local' source of hard wood.

The game has a lot of surprises and hidden events/items. It was only due to a GoG tweet this week that I saw this. So I got to claim it for the kids room....

I got to find out about and see the Trash Bear!

Took part(properly) in the Ice fishing.... Even after all these in-game years.

The Special Orders notice board in town was interesting but not too long in it's quests. I've gotten most of the 'new' rewards I want from it. 

Helped Gus in the Bar....

As well as the ladies of the town.

There are still some items I'd like but if the quests don't show then I can't get them.... Two remain that I really want, the Geode Crusher and Solar Panel.

1.5 has so many new items..... Hats, Rings(Soul Sapper Ring restores a bit of energy after slaying a monster), clothing, weapons, furniture..... At this stage I'm not sure what I've missed previously and whats new new. Most of it's not of 'real' practical use to me. 

I got to get to Mr. Qi. I've been avoiding the 'go to level 200'; So I went to level 200 to see him via a ton of crafted stairs which are now, thankfully, stackable in inventory.

The mini Obelisk Wizard reward is interesting and nice for jumping about on my own farm.

The big ticket item, the new island, is both good and bad as motivation for me. Good in that there are new things to get/do; Bad as there is a grind element to a lot of it that takes time.

That's not to say that I've not enjoyed getting there and doing it's content. I have.

On the island I've met Leo and maybe 50% of the other NPC's. I've collected new quests. Some done and lots more still to do. A lot to unlock yet but I'd mainly aim for the island shop and farm(unlock resort). So much to do....The grind for the Walnut currency is really off-putting to me. 

The Volcano dungeon was interesting and 'different'. Quick access to the Dwarvish forge for weapon enchanting is really nice.

I've upgraded/enchanted the gear as much as I can(for now).

This maybe going back a bit but I found this video from a youtuber (WickedyChickady) on the Volcano dungeon/enchanting very helpful.

The 'only' further upgrade I'd be interested in is the Infinity Blade Upgrade which needs Galaxy Souls from Mr Qi's, which in turn needs to be bought with his currency from his shop. Long winded grind... But it's not like I can't kill anything I come across so really whats the point in doing it other than to do it.... 
Shrine of Challenge; Grinding Keygem's.... I'm not feeling it no matter the rewards(Pressure Nozzle / Enricher). But I've not been doing much crop 'farming' on the farm since I got the greenhouse up and running. I've mainly been dealing with the animals and processing their items.

However the grind and unlocking the rest of the island..... Not seeing it being done at all.

Yep my weariness for the various grinds is real. No wonder I just hop back to my farm and potter about for a day then leave. As I said Stardew Valley has reached the maxed out level of casual gameplay it can give me. Maybe in the future I'll 'really get back into it'; But I've covered so much if I don't I won't think I missed anything.

If I play the game I play the game. Specific purpose or not. Fun is fun and gameplay mood is gameplay mood.

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