Wednesday 22 June 2022

Darkest Dungeon....

It's not that long ago since my last two posts(here and here), but the grind has really kicked in. Not so much in the doing of the grind but the logistics aftermath. It's taking about two dungeon runs(weeks/turns) between shard grind runs just to get a preferred crew back up to speed after their last run(let alone the heroes doing the normal dungeon filler weeks). Swapping heroes on the roster helps but I'm at a stage where nearly all of them have issues, either with disease, quirks or stress; And only so many can be treated/cured at a time.
The game is about drastic decisions and I've had to make some. In order to get the 'normal' hero roster(level 6's with a lot of history, dámn my nostalgia) and the shard hunting mercenaries back to fighting form as quick as possible, I've gone back to an old tactic. The expendables. Level 0 or 1 'heroes' straight off the coach and into a dungeon, maybe two and then 'dismissed'. Buying time with them doing small dungeon runs. In doing so I've had some really random group combinations that I'd not have taken normally. Interesting in it's own right, sometimes in entertaining ways when it all goes to héll.

Some weeks pushing such 'expendables' can be a step too far. Some groups can fall apart faster than others when things combine with excessive stress.

But with the bad luck you get some good luck.

All said and done I've now gotten two of the 4 'Farm' buildings.

And 10 remaining trinkets to get.

Given The Millers stun resistance I was a bit shocked that on an attack round where there were no other better options(desperation), that using a stun on The Miller ended up working on him.

Still plugging away with it all.

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