Wednesday 29 June 2022

Star Trek Online....

The summer event is around the corner. I like the event on Risa, doing the daily for it gives you options and verity on the holiday theme. Granted I like the winter event/location more but summer on Risa is as close a second as can be. 

I may finally get to bring my KDF 'recruit' Gorn to the beach..... Or a return with a certain Jem'Hadar.

This year there isn't really much new that I see in the event store as a must have. The usual new Caracal and tribble are of interest but more the Caracal than the tribble(I may get more of last years Caracal/tribble).

The event ship(a Farpoint Cnidarian) was one I had a bit of hype for(via looks alone) but the ships stats post hit yesterday and I was meh about it. The more I read the more meh I became. 

Two main disappointments exist with it(imho at the moment) the tentacle jellyfish 'look'/mode(Star-Jelly) is only visible when the console the ship comes with is activated. That console ability is not a good one(again imho at the moment); Activating it turns all your weapons off! That's not a good 'side effect' at all. Not for a general player and not for the DPS meta. It's a tanking ship and tanking is only done in very high end TFO's(as far as I know). So it's a ship of extremes. Low end generic or high end "niche"(like niche niche!).
The fact that activation also slows your movement to a dead crawl all sounds like compromises too far. 
Maybe I'm missing something; Maybe in practice the benefits are worth it(team buff and electrical damage)....

                Toggle, Lasts Indefinitely until Deactivated
                Deactivates Automatically if Hull drops below 10%
                While active:
                Weapons Disabled
                Flight Speed and Turn Rate Set to 3
                After 5 sec, then each sec, within 10km:
                to up to 5 Allies: +Hit Points and +All Damage Resistance Rating for 5 sec
                to up to 5 Foes: Heavy Electrical Damage and 10% chance: Brief Hold
                2 min recharge

Maybe? Maybe not? Time and trials will tell. 

For now on the face of it I'm being more 'negative'.

The starship trait 'Gelatinous Membrane'; Is a lot like the consoles ability(for me) not worth the benefits it brings. In this case a % Kinetic/Physical damage reflection. Unless that % is super awesome and reflects so much that it's 'OP'. In which case it's going to be the 'in thing' to tank TFO's in. Or the ship that all players fly regardless.

This new ship is going to be an interesting one to try after doing the 'grind' of dailies to get it; To actually see it in action.

It can be surprising what some theory crafting boffins can come up with. Maybe in practice the ship and console will be wonderful, if niche.

This ships slots are about as generic as can be. Event ships can be surprising, some very surprising. Some event ships have been the best ships I've ever had(Bajoran InterceptorRisian corvetteVorgon Xyfius Heavy Escort). Granted in saying that, there're way more that I've not flown so it's all give and take. Free is free after all. But this one is looking to be one that's claimed and forgotten. This year I feel it's a ship for those that lack any other ships apart from free leveling ships. It's a generic, base level, common denominator. But it's also a very niche use ship(wishful thinking?). 

If your a new leveling player a better ship is anything you can get cheap off the exchange.... 

Time will tell. 

Either way I'm looking forward to the event and a change of 'pace' there. I'm looking forward to all the internet boffins discussing and arguing about the ship.

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