Thursday 30 June 2022


Tunic is a game that up to it's release had my interest. The graphics and main character with his bushy tail and bouncing quiff cutie Zelda style all point towards me wanting to buy and play it. 

When it released it was available to play for Xbox Ultimate members; Being one I downloaded and tried it.

However in playing the game......It didn't work for me(as a gamer). I felt no need to play it, no drive to figure stuff out and no motivation at all to know more. I've been into games like it before(like here).

The music is great, the world looks and feels great.... The combat is decent. The dodge mechanic fluid enough with a sense of heft. Nothing about it is terrible but I just can't get into it.

As I play the game(as little as I have), even free, the quality look and feel falls rapidly away and I'm instantaneously in what feels like a gut churning grind(and I play Darkest Dungeon, I know what a grind is!). Not that Tunic is a grind, it just gives me an aversion to play; It's giving me that vibe, that feeling, so I'm very turned off by it.

It's not the first game I've looked forward to and been interested in(like the Ori games) but not gotten into. 

These things happen, if a game clicks with a gamer it clicks, if not, then.....  

It is what it is. At least I didn't have to buy it to find out.

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