Friday 24 June 2022

Steam Summer Sale....

With the summer sale on Steam now on I got a few e-mail updates saying games I'd wish-listed were now 'cheaper'. This lead to two things. Me buying some of them and removing others from the list altogether.

It's been a couple of years since I last did an overview post on what I'd been playing, what was 'done', what was being continued and what was 'removed'. I did this list in 2018,  this list early in 2019 & updated again in late 2019 and this one in late 2020. The early 2021 version was in progress when the post got wiped and it's content lost. With it I lost motivation to recreate it(it was a long post). I'm hoping that I'll get around to it again.... Maybe later in the year with a massive update of 2021/22. Time will tell.


Three games kicked from my wishlist.....

They are Billions is a game I've watched streamers play and one I've wanted for a while. It's not been on a 'good' sale price so I never got it. Funny(not haha funny) that now it's on a 'good' sale price I'm removing it. It's a hardcore game of wave/rush RTS survival. Maybe a bit too much so for my casual tastes. I'd only end up buying it to have and it'd not get the gamepaly it or I deserve... If you get my meanings..... The killer blow on my decision this time is that I've previously bought Diplomacy is Not an Option on sale a while ago(still not really played it yet but on my list todo). A more 'fun' experience even if it can get hard.

Synthetik 2 is from the looks of it a better game than the original. It improves on the first in many ways. Like being on multiple platforms etc. The reviews seem to say you take the new good with it's own issues. It's still an Early access game so has some leeway on it's current 'issues'. That said it's been a 'while' since I last really played the first game. The second hasn't really been on my radar, just the wish-list to keep and eye on. So seeing it now even on sale isn't conducive for me to get it from what I've seen. I'm happy with the first game. There's noting I've seen in the second that makes me want to get it over just loading up the first. 

Comanche is a game I wanted to see due to my nostalgia for Comanche Gold, back in the day. The 90's had a massive overkill of sims and sim like 'gunship' games. So my nostalgia was real for Comanche. Playing it via Xbox Ultimate was good at the time if short lived. I'm not sure if some of the graphical choices were on purpose for retro nostalgia but in retrospect it took away from it being 'modern' and didn't grow on me. Also in retrospect I think it's casual arcade but simulation take was too blurred. A mix the original pulled off but I feel didn't work here with the new iteration. The game may be 'released' but it still 'feels' early access with work to be done. I'd seen it on sale on other occasions but was always hesitant; That alone should have removed it from the list.

Four games I did purchase....

Fights in Tight Spaces.... A game I've wanted and tried, just waited for the sale price and this is it.

Slipways.... A space management, game that is a slimmed down grand strategy take. So grand strategy 'lite'. It's a game I've seen streamed and liked what I saw. A pretty chill game with lots of micromanagement to get lost in.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge.... As recent a game to the list as can be. As I posted, it ticks all the boxes for retro playable fun. A no brainer on more than just the price front.

As for Shooty Skies Overdrive.... My recent return kick to VR had me looking for something else to virtually do/shoot This game looked to be 'it', cheap(cheaper now on sale) quick fun.  

Speaking of that channel, ABC Gamer has gone through a few reworked iterations over the years. It's gone more younger viewer friendly(tho not so much now but still not watchable for me) since the Nichboy days. Which is a pity. Really liked it back then(but also like his new 'show' Back Pocket)...

Then again so many channels in competition to one another that all do such similar content....

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