Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Planet Crafter....

Since my last post about the game I've done a lot of gameplay; Another update has hit and I've done even more gameplay. A lot like in Minecraft, once you get established, your move from surviving to thriving changes gameplay. At this stage I'm well beyond even that. I've been double, triple and quadrupling down on everything. With the return of the Pulsar Crystals I've created more transporters than I can shake a Pulsar Crystal at; And more Pulsar Crystals in storage than used in anything I've built(and I've built a lot). As well as a lot of new fusion power plants(fear of a scarcity return/rebalance). 

I've done and setup as many T3 tree spreaders as I can.

This game has a gather and crafting feedback loop. That's not a bad thing but it's lead to a lot of redundancy for the sake of it. Noting says this more than having two transporters on either side of my 'main base'...... Because I can.
I've also found myself decluttering some area's of obsolete equipment but rearranging others so that it all looks 'used' and in use(flavour). My main base is still a patchwork on patchwork in regard to how the buildings went up at the time and I like that look/feel... Whereas I've completely taken down the 'backup base'; And rebuilt it larger at the stargate to have it be a more planned and space filled area.... Kind of(which is a good thing as if things were too perfect they wouldn't look 'lived in').

The new 'backup'.... 

Even since those pics I've updated and added so much more. 

There are way more creative crafters out there.

I found the last/new golden crate on the edge of the sand falls. 

Lots more satellites have been added, for now.

The look and feel of the base items/flowers during a certain type of asteroid storm(Osmium) is always interesting to look at. Very neon black light. I wish the internal lights were customizable to be something like it.

Then again so are the Supper Alloy Storms, my second favorite.

The next update should bring a lot of new content(end of July). Looking forward to that. It would seem to contain a lot more of the good quality of life improvements as well as new life.

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