Wednesday 3 February 2016

Another one bites the Dust.... Dust 514 that is.

Finally there has been an update from CCP regarding the the future of the game. Dust is in it's final month's and they are building a new game for PC users. A move to the PC is not really news as it always seemed to be the logical progression but now it's official and the news that there is an end date for Dust is the big thing. May 30th.
The official post is here. The CPM  replies to that post state they are still working for the community and what the "new" game can bring.

So all in all its at an end and players are back to either finding a new shooter on playstation, move to xbox or persist with the new games development on PC. I am the latter.
There was one part of that statement that is of interest for the future of the pc game:

" This new project is still in an early phase of production, and we feel like we’re on the right track and plan to give an update at EVE Fanfest on April 21st as a part of the free livestream of the event. Since this new game will be different from DUST 514 (although keeping many of its great parts), we will provide tiered recognition rewards to our loyal DUST customers, details to be announced. ".

Time will tell.

For now there is not much to be done, play the game and enjoy it for what it is. I'm sure the community will take this news in ups and downs but will end the game in a big way.
Let's see what happens.

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